
Ask the owner permission first. Although I can almost guarantee you that their response will be either to tell you to get off their property or call the cops, or both. Say that are are successful at your attempt to screw someone else's dog. Say that dog starts humping their owner (who we can presume are not zoophilic) the dog is either going to lose his nuts or be sent to the pound depending on the canine's owner.

I'd be rather pissed if my neighbors came into MY property to molest MY dogs.
what the fuck is wrong with ppl...
It's what comes of letting the fetish flakes and "Look how extreme I am!" crowd get a foothold.

in spite of computers
and advanced psychology,
behavior patterns
are still a mystery
I predict the future
of this earthly human race
is that having made a mess of earth,
they'll move to outer space!
(Well, there goes the neighborhood...)"

Leonard Nimoy, from "Highly Illogical", the opening track of his 1968 album "Two Sides of Leonard Nimoy"
Hold on, the dog comes on my property and has for years. 😒 The owner is very aware of him being down here, sleeping down here, eating down here 🤔 The fact that you would even think that I would trespass is beyond me 😂 the owner would fill me with cock if I gave him the chance.
You all could have simply asked rather than assumed 🤷🏼‍♀️ So noted - tell the neighbor/someone I grew up with… I’ll fuck him and his dog. Thanks y’all!
We assume nothing, you asked about training your neighbors dog not your own, he's not your damned dog and none of us that actually own our animal companions want nor tolerate anyone fucking around with them without permission.