Thoughts on murrsuiters and bestiality?


I love the idea, and I've only ever seen a handful of videos with murrsuiters in action, I know some of you remember the one in the doberman suit with the horse. Although there's more out there, locked away behind logins or telegram channels. Do you enjoy the idea as well? How would you go about it if you owned a suit yourself in this scenario?
I thought about doing it before. But I would make a suit that nobody knows and would never ever bring it to a con or anything. I would just use it for zoo stuff and then it would get locked away til the next time. I have two suits but I wouldn’t want them associated with that at all since there’s still tons of furries that hate the idea of zoo and I wouldn’t want to just be pushed out of the fandom because of it.
I don't have a murrsuit but it's definitely something I've wanted for years now. The high cost of fursuits in general and the fact that I'd be rather picky and insistent on some rather unusual features even by murrsuit standards has caused me to not really pursue it yet. But someday...

I've also never really thought about using my murrsuit with an animal, only with other murrsuiters or humans. But it is an intriguing idea. I'm not sure it would be the best idea to do with a dolphin, since more than likely water would get inside the suit and cause damage to it as well as possibly cause a drowning hazard. But with a horse... it's something I think I would give a try, actually, but only if I had a second murrsuit that only I and my animal partners knew about. Like Kalypso said, there are lots of furries who are very vocal about being anti-zoo and I've been very cautious about what I say and do in the fandom because of it. Last year I saw one of my favorite artists get bullied out of the community because she dared to draw a really good human-on-dolphin piece. Stuff like that makes other artists wary about making that kind of art and it's really disappointing... I could go on a whole tangent about how annoying and frustrating it is.
Last year I saw one of my favorite artists get bullied out of the community because she dared to draw a really good human-on-dolphin piece. Stuff like that makes other artists wary about making that kind of art and it's really disappointing... I could go on a whole tangent about how annoying and frustrating it is.
Same thing happened to Cosmic Life unfortunately. She... I think it's a she... dared to start rendering male humans and female animals. She ended up getting a ton of flak and many of her long time "supporters" basically threatened to unfollow her because of it. So, as wonderful as her renders were, she decided that moving forward it wasn't worth the trouble, and went back to just rendering solo ferals. A damn shame really, and kind of ironic. Flapping to a feral female animal... 👍. Rendering a male human and a female animal... 👎👎👎😡😡😡
Same thing happened to Cosmic Life unfortunately. She... I think it's a she... dared to start rendering male humans and female animals. She ended up getting a ton of flac and many of her long time "supporters" basically threatened to unfollow her because of it. So, as wonderful as her renders were, she decided that moving forward it wasn't worth the trouble, and went back to just rendering solo ferals. A damn shame really, and kind of ironic. Flapping to a feral female animal... 👍. Rendering a male human and a female animal... 👎👎👎😡😡😡
Thats unfortunate. Iv seen the same happen many many times. One little image that slightly rubs them the wrong way and some loudmouth gotta screw it up.

I love the idea, and I've only ever seen a handful of videos with murrsuiters in action, I know some of you remember the one in the doberman suit with the horse. Although there's more out there, locked away behind logins or telegram channels. Do you enjoy the idea as well? How would you go about it if you owned a suit yourself in this scenario?
I'll admit I like the few I have seen.
I don't have a suit but if I did I'd imagine I'd only wear it while engaging in zoo stuff. I don't wanna end up outing myself or some shit.
Honestly from wearing my fursuit around I'm not really sure I'd want to do it myself. It's just too bulky, and sweaty for me to see the appeal.

It can be neat to see though yeah as people have said you REALLY need to make something quietly yourself or have a fursuit maker that you really trust or is in on it. I've seen people get outed by something as little as their handpaw, let alone the suiters that have worn very unique designs when getting mouted by a dog.
I love the idea, and I've only ever seen a handful of videos with murrsuiters in action, I know some of you remember the one in the doberman suit with the horse. Although there's more out there, locked away behind logins or telegram channels. Do you enjoy the idea as well? How would you go about it if you owned a suit yourself in this scenario?
As a little clarification I was tossing it up as a hypothetical best case scenario, but I am throughly happy to know there's a decent amount of fursuiters in this website! Regardless of sexual activity, it's 100% understable considering how expensive they are.
It's definitely the hottest thing in my opinion. I own 2 fursuits as well, both modded making them murrsuits lol. Totally love murrsuiting. It's basically the only thing that gets me going these days, besides zoo. Would totally love to have dogs mount me while I am in fursuit, or just play with them, do some frotting, and have them cum all over my suit head or body ;). But I sadly don't own a dog myself and the furries I know being into zoo, is spreading thin.

Which all has to do with the recent witch hunting on social media and lots being anti-zoo and they sniffing out zoofurs and publicly shaming them. This causes a lot of furries, including myself, to hide our true identity like I'm doing with this account on the forum as example. Therefor making it almost impossible meeting new zoofurries, because finding trust is the hardest thing. And at cons or whatever, I keep my lips sealed that I am into zoo. I just wave it off. I'm pretty known out there as well. My fursuits are also known and easily recognized. It be a huge risk making zoo content with my suits. So if I ever were to do it, it would have to be a completely separate suit and design, away from cons, away from social media. But as Canine Smith said earlier, even just your handpaw can already give away clues about the suit, so it's just extremely risky these days :(.

And it really saddens me because I would LOVE to see more zoosuit action, but the risks of getting exposed are too high. I cling onto the few videos out there and to the zoofurs I know and trust for many years, but joining any Telegram channel or group or whatever, I never felt comfortable doing that. Just too afraid of the exposure that it might leak out and then yeah.