Things you like that not many others like.

So, what are some things you enjoy and are in the minority of enjoying?, For me the 2 that come to mind are 1. TWD Survival Instinct, And 2. Motherfucking DOOM 3, I personally enjoy DOOM 3 more so than eternal, 2016, and even the OG games, I'm sorry but I personally feel that if hell is invading, it should be scary, not heavy metal action every 15 minutes. Plus the 2 modern DOOM games make you feel invincible, while as in DOOM 3 you're constantly on your toes, keeping your eyes peeled for ammo and medical supplies, plus always waiting for something to come at you from the darkness. (Most of the time the "something" being the Ticks and Trites, creepy spider bastards)
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A "thing I like that not many others like"
Not having ever played any video games. Fine if you like them. Nothing wrong with that. I never have.
I wouldn't know a pokemon, scrims, minecraft or animals crossings game if it fell on my head.
To me, a PS2 refers to the second time you got out of bed to pee. An X-box, very clearly, is for watching porn.
I am eagerly awaiting the Triple-X-box. Much better.
I like pronouncing non-anglo words in the way that they are supposed to be pronounced in their original language. Examples:
-Refugio: Instead of saying "ruh-fury-oh," I pronounce it the correct Spanish way; "reh-foo-hyoh"
-Kamikaze: Instead of saying "kah-muh-kah-zee," I pronounce it "kah-mee-kah-zeh"
-Heidenreich: Instead of saying "heed-n'-reach," I pronounce it "Hi-den-rike"
A "thing I like that not many others like"
Not having ever played any video games. Fine if you like them. Nothing wrong with that. I never have.
I wouldn't know a pokemon, scrims, minecraft or animals crossings game if it fell on my head.
To me, a PS2 refers to the second time you got out of bed to pee. An X-box, very clearly, is for watching porn.
I am eagerly awaiting the Triple-X-box. Much better.
I never ever playing a video game either!😂
@xXSINNERXx If that made you sad, you need to say so, and why, instead of a little frowny face.
Maybe the slamming is hurting your hand, and that makes you sad?
Maybe it’s you who needs to be pounded with a hammer? And let me know how much the slamming hurts 😆
Being barefoot 24/7….I do everything and go everywhere barefoot….in town, on the farm, hiking, even mucking stalls…..
I only wear boots when it‘s below -5, don‘t even own socks
People might think this is weird or gross but I like looking and reading anything medical related. Like seeing photos from hospitals of injuries or infections how it happened or what caused it. I find it so fascinating.