the prevalence of bestiality - statistics


came across this study a while ago, just remembered about it and decided to post it here - i am guessing this will be new to a lot of people and i found the data interesting, and a worthwhile analysis.

these two articles come out of the same survey done by aella/knowingless

first the main chart - fetish tabooness vs popularity - source

key points - % of people reporting interest
performing oral sex on an animal 6%
horses 8%
being penetrated by an animal 10%
dogs 10%
penetrating an animal 15%
receiving oral sex from an animal 23% (about)

now not all survey takers may be interested enough to be on here for instance but, these numbers are a lot larger than i would have guessed.

from the same survey there is a very in depth analysis on who's into bestiality, focusing specifically on it with some very interesting statistics

interested to hear other thoughts on this data and if you are surprised by the prevalence as i was.
Dont believe everything you, Reddit, or anywhere else where the research isnt conducted in a study that is Double blind, properly funded, peer-reviewed. This one is counter to every sexology study that includes bestiality publicly available....starting with the ages...The breakdowns that separate out trans and cis people are fashionable, but not remotely of any use here....regardless of any other are still dealing with a male or a female doesnt matter how you dress it or what you call it.
Try Krafft-Ebbing, Kinsey, Masters&Johnson, Shere Hite....There are others. It is still going to work out to about 8 percent of Males and 3 percent of females...cis, trans or man-in-the-moon Marigolds.
I've always had the thought that it's really way more prevalent than most would think.

My biggest reason for that belief is just looking at myself. How many of us are just going to come out and admit something like that?

I know I didn't for the longest time. I'm sure I'm not alone in that regard, so I think to get a better idea of the true numbers, they need to try to determine a factor to multiply by. As in if say for every person that would admit it on a survey, estimate how many wouldn't even know about the survey, and also how many may not even be truthful on the survey.

The numbers could be 2 or 3, maybe more times higher.

Also consider how many that have never tried it due to whatever reason, be it taboo, no access, no privacy, or just plain scared because of not having any information because maybe they have never found anything like ZV.

I never thought of myself as zoo until more recently in life, so no telling how I would have responded.

The other thing I think about, and I think is very evident when you poke around here, is that to me, it seems there are 2 distinctly different paths to zoo.

One being those of us that got here through development of a relationship with an animal (which seems to be the biggest hurdle in convincing others since it's one of those things that most would not believe possible unless they experience it for themselves), and the dark path if you will, of folks that are in it for sexual gratification only, which I think would include everyone wanting to see abusive porn and shit.

To me, those people are likely as much shit bags to people as they are to animals.

The sad part about that is that we get lumped in with them.
Just looked at that closer, and I find it amazing at some of the things that people listed as less taboo than zoo type stuff.. like incestuous shit, and just a ton of other shit I can't remember without going back and looking that I found to be just plain nuts.
All that being as it Beast Forum and before it, we are the biggest echo chamber on the topic. If you walk thru an apple orchard and all you can smell is apples, pretty soon everything you SEE is going to look like an apple.

On our topic, there are two kinds of studies....Those done outside our group, and those done within. The latter are almost automatically corrupt, because there is a bias that cannot be over-ridden. The Former need to be looked at with a grain of salt. Society is not accepting of behavior outside the
" norms", and thus there is a burden on the researcher at the outset...funding is fickle AT BEST, politics, and donors, all have their own axes to grind. Ensuring the validity of such studies is difficult because of that innate bias. Tread VERY CAREFULLY if your own attitudes are your research, pardner....
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All that being as it Beast Forum and before it, we are the biggest echo chamber on the topic. If you walk thru an apple orchard and all you can smell is apples, pretty soon everything you SEEvisbgoing to look like an apple.

On our topic, there are two kinds of studies....Those done outside our group, and those done within. The latter are almost automatically corrupt, because there is a bias that cannot be over-ridden. The Former need to be looked at with a grain of salt. Society is not accepting of behavior outside the
" norms", and thus there is a burden on the researcher at the outset...funding is fickle AT BEST, politics, and donors, all have their own axes to grind. Ensuring the validity of such studies is difficult because of that innate bias. Tread VERY CAREFULLY if your own attitudes are your research, pardner....
You make a ton of valid points.

I think the real data will be something we will never see. There's too much drive in most people for acceptance. People are so worried about what others think, and I guess rightly so when the wrong thoughts (as judged by others) can land you behind bars, lose your job, ect.

I'd rather see more studies on cognitive abilities myself, as I think ultimately that sort of approach could go the furthest towards making any change, not that I think it necessarily would.
She presents the data in various ways on her website, but interestingly 25% of women seem to be "interested in receiving oral sex from an animal" though only 9% mention "dogs" specifically. 11% would like to be penetrated by an animal.
I am very happy to think that 1:4 women think it would be interesting to get eaten out by an animal, which unless people are wildly imaginative must surely mean a dog in most cases.
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She presents the data in various ways on her website, but interestingly 25% of women seem to be "interested in receiving oral sex from an animal" though only 9% mention "dogs" specifically. 11% would like to be penetrated by an animal.
I am very happy to think that 1:4 women think it would be interesting to get eaten out by an animal, which unless people are wildly imaginative must surely mean a dog in most cases.
Nah....I hear those gals are REALLY hot for giraffe and aardvark tongue.
She presents the data in various ways on her website, but interestingly 25% of women seem to be "interested in receiving oral sex from an animal" though only 9% mention "dogs" specifically. 11% would like to be penetrated by an animal.
I am very happy to think that 1:4 women think it would be interesting to get eaten out by an animal, which unless people are wildly imaginative must surely mean a dog in most cases.
Wow, that's quite the list of, I see some I hadn't thought of before! :D
The numbers in this "Study" are do far off the averages in OTHER more important studies that it looks suspiciously like cooked books. Who is going to put up highly sought for Research Dollars to fund this type of Study? No one has anything to gain from the info....except law enforcement picking the next target area to blitz.

And the way things are going, the Fuzz need an easy and easily justified target.
The April 1982 Cosmopolitan Magazine had an article "The Top 10 Sexual Taboos." It was on pages 296-299. They polled career women, college students and therapists. If I remember correctly 30% thought it was OK for someone to have sex with an animal.

I wish I had kept that copy. They're super expensive now because the cover photo was Gia Carangi's last cover.
I do wonder about the actual number. I've never actively tried seeking out other zoos before so my hope is the number is higher than what I think it is