Stronger bond and connection after knot with dog

Would you say you have a stronger or different bond with your male dog after being knotted by him? Did any of you experience them being more protective and even possessive over you than before being knotted?
would be odd if it didn't do anything considering what are both your brains flooded with during sex.
Would you say you have a stronger or different bond with your male dog after being knotted by him? Did any of you experience them being more protective and even possessive over you than before being knotted?
Most definitely yes, he became a lot more dominant, aggressive and possessive after knotting me, and me in turn became more attached to him and my body a lot more accostumed to him to the point where I would start getting wet when I see him
Most definitely yes, he became a lot more dominant, aggressive and possessive after knotting me, and me in turn became more attached to him and my body a lot more accostumed to him to the point where I would start getting wet when I see him
Wow, does it come at a point that he decides when he wants to mount and breed with you? What breed dog is it if I may ask?