Stretching her out


Zooville Settler
I have seen people say this in some threads here, regarding female dogs that are too tight for a cock.
"Try stretching her out, starting with your finger or gently with a vaginal dilator", or something like that.
But what do you mean by that, what are you actually trying to strech out inside of her?
Bitches have this ring like shape a few centimeters inside their vaginal canal. If I am correct, then this is the part that prevents the knot from slipping out during mating and this is the tightest part.
I have been trying to get past that with one female for about three years now. But she won't get wider and I have basically given up penetrating her.

I have also read here that bitches are wider after giving birth. But why? Is it that ring like shape inside of her that widens?
Some information here:
Some information here:
Thanks, haven't seen this one before.