Sexy Pervert

Lol I guess I'm disgusting then, cause everything about a dog from the not sexual to the OMG YOUR GREAT IN BED sexual, is better than people for me 😂
I wish u could fuck me so u can compare pussies, my pussy is tight, abnormally warm/hot inside n I love squeezing dick while it's inside of me I would like to see u fuck your dog first of course lol😉
I wish u could fuck me so u can compare pussies, my pussy is tight, abnormally warm/hot inside n I love squeezing dick while it's inside of me I would like to see u fuck your dog first of course lol😉

Thanks for the offer, but as I'm sure you'll expect, can't even get aroused fantasizing it. I've had my share of humans in both genders, 95% disappointment rate.

Tho you're, of course, welcome to browse my content for watching purposes.
:) I enjoy making strays's one of the best feelings ever. Leaves me creamy and beging for more . N he's always eager to please. Just sux. Doing it alone. A knotty wife would be epic..

Keep your paws off strays unless you plan to give it a home. They have enough issues without some pervert fucking molesting them too.

Dogs are not your personal sex toy. End of argument.
Keep your paws off strays unless you plan to give it a home. They have enough issues without some pervert fucking molesting them too.

Dogs are not your personal sex toy. End of argument.
Strays here are taken care of. By all the neighbors. There are some that live in the jungle, or in the fields.
Not just one home looks after them, the community helps with all their needs.. from medical, to food.

I agree with you not a sex toy.
N how old is the OP n his or her new bud n stuff? N nobody should make anybody feel bad about what they like, n things, but maybe cause they type like a 12 year old it b ok, n stuff, kwim?
Gotta wonder about any place that people feel they should spend money on OTHER peoples' abandoned pets, when most places in the world can't find money to feed homeless Children...Especially in light of the many diseases spread by flies, fleas and well as rabies, which has been eliminated in only a few places in the world.