Second Life game have bestiality

This seems really interesting lol. I hope it does go mobile soon as it sounds fun! Love them images, they look great.
There have been a couple mobile viewers, though the ones i've used in the past, mostly just allow you to communicate, not really see much graphics wise or move around in world much.
I have been on Second Life in the past but havent logged on in a very long time if anyone plays maybe ill try to get it going again
There have been a couple mobile viewers, though the ones i've used in the past, mostly just allow you to communicate, not really see much graphics wise or move around in world much.
ahh right. I am suuuuuuper not technical in any way, so it all sounds fun and interesting but rather confusing. Maybe one day in a year or two Ill get to experience it if a good mobile adaptation comes out 🤞
How to get it
Just google second life - it’s free to download but there are elements you can buy, but I haven’t found any need to buy anything yet.

For the best aspect? There are groups and areas to find. A lot aren’t very active, but I found an area called the Golden Corral I think? I’ll double check when I’m off work. It was fun to have a group kind of role play but there was also visuals there. GREAT way to start my morning!
I used to be on there. It could be a lot of fun, but sometimes was frustrating. If you're going to play a human, you can tweak your appearance and get acceptable results for little to no money. See the "Freebie Galaxy" for a mall with several stories of free and very cheap accessories. If you want to be an animal (or other creature) you'll either have to pay for it (around $35 bucks for entry level stuff) or be an expert in 3D modeling software.

The way sex works is that you grab a poseball and grant it permission to animate your avatar. You or the other player will control a menu of what motions you're doing. Then you exchange dialogue with the other player. Quality of dialogue makes all the difference.

Technically bestiality is against the rules, but last time I was there, it wasn't enforced too strictly. The "Soraya's Maniacs" group was a good one, hopefully it's still around. Do keep in mind that Linden Labs records all the chats! There's no such thing as privacy.
The game is most open world, though the owner of a parcel can lock it from the public. By the way, I want to recommend you a website where I gamble every day and earn impressive sums!

You can do virtually anything, given time and knowledge - like making objects to use, there's even combat systems that folks have developed. There's also groups and clubs you can join, or hang out at.

Lots of groups are role playing in some form or fashion, many aren't sex based, but you can certainly find just about anything you can think of (My knowledge may be a bit outdated.)

There can be a steep learning curve for that portion of the game.

When I used to play you could find ways to get the in game currency relatively easily, but the fastest way is to convert real money And/or pay for a subscription.
What makes this game most appealing is that there's an open world that gives players a lot of options.