Recommendations for VR


I have been looking at VR sets for a while, especially for watching porn however I want to know any recommendation as I am looking for one that is reasonable price and not too heavy on data collection (like meta sets are)

any ones that more privacy oriented?
I started off with the oculas quest 2 which was a good starter headset. Later down the road I upgraded to the valve index and got a couple extra trackers for full body tracking sense I do alot of vrchat with furry friends.
lots of my friends fawn over the valve index. don't know if any of them use it for porn tho. apparently it's fairly priced and doesn't take 1647 usb ports and a week off to set up.
Index is fairly old and very, very breakable.
Do some research on the problems people have with it before you buy it. I gave up on it after looking into it.
But Valve is fairly close to releasing the Deckard headset. All what is known suggests they are working on it hard.
I would wait for the nearest game conference and see if they come out with it.
Otherwise be careful with the Index.