Prepping for the first knot


Hi all!

Younger guy looking to bottom for a doggie sometime in the near future. I'm bisexual, and have been with more than a few guys already so I know the standard stretching and cleaning protocols.

Are there any special steps I need to take to make my first time as smooth as possible? Any particular lubes that I can or cannot use? Thanks so much for all your help!

PS: First knot experiences are more than welcome! While I'm hoping to hear more from guys, ladies are more than welcome to share theirs as well!
Hello, please check the How tos and educationals section, there are several good guides, explaining the important stuff very well.
In short - good hygiene, good preparation, water based lube only, and don't rush or force it.

As for stories, there is a literal shitton of them, try the search function in top right corner.
i hope the "sometime in the future" doesn't mean multiple "can i borrow a dog to fuck?" threads in your future...

as for prepping itself, there's not much needed. all i personally do is just take a dump beforehand (i have a messy experience with the void reflex). no extra stretching is needed either, his thing will ideally go both in and out deflated. meaning, all the "i totally took a grapefruit-sized or whatever seems big knot" stories you might have read are fake, that's not how it works. if his knot swells too much before penetrating, the boy will dismount and try again in a bit.
lube is also something you don't really need, they provide their own. some boys also lick a lot before attempting to mount, like "almost forcefully pushing their tongue in" a lot which may result in him licking anything you add there off anyway.

dog sex is very straight forward in the preparation department.
Not much more than be clean, be well lubed, and be smart. Make sure doors are locked, no one will be coming home, etc.
I personally keep my phone close just in case.

I posted my first experience in a reply to another forum if you care to find it. In short, terrifying at first, amazing in the end.