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Pregnancy and dogs

You're going to get mixed responses on this, some will say that you shouldn't and others will say it's fine. I've read on other threads that pregnant women have done it, but I have heard that as long as he isn't poking your cervix you should be fine. I have no idea though, everything I've read I would call hearsay.
Ok so this is a loaded question... what breed do you have? Was he really close to your cervix when you were active? Things like that. I was able to with my lab... I started missionary to see how deep he went and found that I had a little bit of room so to speak. I was able to take him doggy and enjoyed it up until a few hours before giving birth. Now keep in mind when he cums you will leak alot more because his swimmers can't get to your uterus. Hope this helps!
Ok so this is a loaded question... what breed do you have? Was he really close to your cervix when you were active? Things like that. I was able to with my lab... I started missionary to see how deep he went and found that I had a little bit of room so to speak. I was able to take him doggy and enjoyed it up until a few hours before giving birth. Now keep in mind when he cums you will leak alot more because his swimmers can't get to your uterus. Hope this helps!
Love to hear someone who is exprt of this, Thx :)
Ok so this is a loaded question... what breed do you have? Was he really close to your cervix when you were active? Things like that. I was able to with my lab... I started missionary to see how deep he went and found that I had a little bit of room so to speak. I was able to take him doggy and enjoyed it up until a few hours before giving birth. Now keep in mind when he cums you will leak alot more because his swimmers can't get to your uterus. Hope this helps!
Well holy hell, this is the hottest paragraph ever ❤️
I'm pregnant and am wondering can I still be fucked by a dog does anyone have experience
Full disclosure, we did not have sex with the dogs while pregnant. (Didn't find this kink till after kids) However, based on all the reading I have done I doubt that there would be an issue. We know that regular human sex during pregnancy is just fine, why would there be an issue with a dog? Assuming that you are already having regular sex with your K9 partner you should be pretty familiar with how aggressively he thrusts and how deep he would be inside of you. The vagina still expands during pregnancy just like before and the dog doesn't ever enter the cervix during sex anyways. I can't think of a reason why you couldn't have doggie sex short of trying to take a truly massive cock while late in your third trimester.
Ok so this is a loaded question... what breed do you have? Was he really close to your cervix when you were active? Things like that. I was able to with my lab... I started missionary to see how deep he went and found that I had a little bit of room so to speak. I was able to take him doggy and enjoyed it up until a few hours before giving birth. Now keep in mind when he cums you will leak alot more because his swimmers can't get to your uterus. Hope this helps!
Wait. Hold up. Just how much more do you leak when pregnant? We have always wondered just how much of his ejaculate makes it past the cervix but it has so far been a mystery. A very fun and hot to contemplate mystery...
As long as your fluid is still in your womb, your fine. Your body uses the fluid to protect your baby at all times.
Love to hear someone who is exprt of this, Thx :)
While I am not a vet, I can comment as a physician in maternal fetal medicine specializing in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. To be clear, I am not providing a medical opinion nor giving advice one way or the other here. I am only commenting on some of the potential risks. Your biggest risk is contracting any number of (mostly) bacterial diseases and some parasites or viruses. There are a number of bacterias found in the mouth, uterine system, and fecal matter of dogs that can absolutely infect humans. You can actually find the most common ones listed on the CDC website. Any infection during pregnancy can potentially cause harm to mom and baby. Not to mentioned the drugs we typically use to treat such infections are rarely studied in pregnant women. With that said, generally there is less risk to a fetus once you have entered the 3rd trimester (wk28) as the fetal organ development is done and the central nervous system has closed. Your risk will also depend greatly based on your risk factors (blood pressure, age, etc) and the status of your pregnancy. Probably the greatest risk factor would be pregnancies in older women who conceived through IVF. In other words, there is no answer to whether it is “safe or not” it all depends on the risks.
While I am not a vet, I can comment as a physician in maternal fetal medicine specializing in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. To be clear, I am not providing a medical opinion nor giving advice one way or the other here. I am only commenting on some of the potential risks. Your biggest risk is contracting any number of (mostly) bacterial diseases and some parasites or viruses. There are a number of bacterias found in the mouth, uterine system, and fecal matter of dogs that can absolutely infect humans. You can actually find the most common ones listed on the CDC website. Any infection during pregnancy can potentially cause harm to mom and baby. Not to mentioned the drugs we typically use to treat such infections are rarely studied in pregnant women. With that said, generally there is less risk to a fetus once you have entered the 3rd trimester (wk28) as the fetal organ development is done and the central nervous system has closed. Your risk will also depend greatly based on your risk factors (blood pressure, age, etc) and the status of your pregnancy. Probably the greatest risk factor would be pregnancies in older women who conceived through IVF. In other words, there is no answer to whether it is “safe or not” it all depends on the risks.
Everyone should read this
While I am not a vet, I can comment as a physician in maternal fetal medicine specializing in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. To be clear, I am not providing a medical opinion nor giving advice one way or the other here. I am only commenting on some of the potential risks. Your biggest risk is contracting any number of (mostly) bacterial diseases and some parasites or viruses. There are a number of bacterias found in the mouth, uterine system, and fecal matter of dogs that can absolutely infect humans. You can actually find the most common ones listed on the CDC website. Any infection during pregnancy can potentially cause harm to mom and baby. Not to mentioned the drugs we typically use to treat such infections are rarely studied in pregnant women. With that said, generally there is less risk to a fetus once you have entered the 3rd trimester (wk28) as the fetal organ development is done and the central nervous system has closed. Your risk will also depend greatly based on your risk factors (blood pressure, age, etc) and the status of your pregnancy. Probably the greatest risk factor would be pregnancies in older women who conceived through IVF. In other words, there is no answer to whether it is “safe or not” it all depends on the risks.
That's something I'll be thinking about if I ever become a mom some day. Knowing that would freak me out enough about doing anything sexual with a dog while pregnant. How about the penetration itself? Would that be a problem at all?
Risks of penetration (aside from what I previously mentioned) are largely dependent on the pregnancy. In an average, uncomplicated pregnancy, probably very little risk. Towards the last weeks (greater than 37), the cervix does “ripen” in most women and become relatively pliable. If you took a sharp thrust, it is conceivable (though unlikely) you could rupture the waters (though this is typically only feasible after week 37 when we consider you term. But, keep in mind that completely healthy women can often have very complicated pregnancies in which not only sex is discouraged, but complete bed rest is our only available “treatment.” Again, your big worry here is less mechanical. Get a bacterial infection, pop a high fever, rupture your waters while we examine you, and you’re headed to the ICU and baby to the NICU for lots of antibiotics and other interventions that will ruin your day. I’m not providing advice or even opinion. It’s not a great risk:benefit calculation. If you were fortunate enough to conceive with a human, maybe take the 10 months it takes to gestate a healthy baby as a great opportunity to connect with that person or yourself. It is pretty amazing that women can grow placentas so take that time to appreciate it. Remember that the mom and baby are distinct genetic individuals that are constantly trying to reject and kill the other. Only the placenta keeps both alive. Find wonderment in it and probably take a break from fucking animals, just like taking a break from alcohol and smoking.
Risks of penetration (aside from what I previously mentioned) are largely dependent on the pregnancy. In an average, uncomplicated pregnancy, probably very little risk. Towards the last weeks (greater than 37), the cervix does “ripen” in most women and become relatively pliable. If you took a sharp thrust, it is conceivable (though unlikely) you could rupture the waters (though this is typically only feasible after week 37 when we consider you term. But, keep in mind that completely healthy women can often have very complicated pregnancies in which not only sex is discouraged, but complete bed rest is our only available “treatment.” Again, your big worry here is less mechanical. Get a bacterial infection, pop a high fever, rupture your waters while we examine you, and you’re headed to the ICU and baby to the NICU for lots of antibiotics and other interventions that will ruin your day. I’m not providing advice or even opinion. It’s not a great risk:benefit calculation. If you were fortunate enough to conceive with a human, maybe take the 10 months it takes to gestate a healthy baby as a great opportunity to connect with that person or yourself. It is pretty amazing that women can grow placentas so take that time to appreciate it. Remember that the mom and baby are distinct genetic individuals that are constantly trying to reject and kill the other. Only the placenta keeps both alive. Find wonderment in it and probably take a break from fucking animals, just like taking a break from alcohol and smoking.
I should note that there is one keyboard warrior on this forum who will probably have a worthless, inexperienced opinion to interject here and barf up an obscure study published in the journal of fungus and mold from 1953. I won’t see it or respond because his inane harassment caused me to block him so he could take time to… “reflect.”
I should note that there is one keyboard warrior on this forum who will probably have a worthless, inexperienced opinion to interject here and barf up an obscure study published in the journal of fungus and mold from 1953.
Nope, not me :)
Thanks for the post, what you said sounds pretty reasonable...
Well I am not an expert or doctor I just know from once of mine conversation with an pregnant woman who said she has pause due to pregnancy and of recommendations from other zoo woman who said you should pause till you gave birth and feel ready for sex again.
I was just wondering if any women had done this recently. Given how important the cervix is to maintaining a viable pregnancy and things really go south quickly if it open too soon, I would be really worried about this. There are also genera of bacteria present on the dog penis not usually present in the vagina which could get introduced. Also the little one inside would be getting bounced around by a dog cock. I'm sure this wouldn't be bad for the little guy or girl in and of itself other than the fact that his mother and father would know that as a fetus he or she was bounced around in the amniotic sac by a dog cock.