Predict Something About the Next Poster

I could. But just once since I would break my neck

TNP preffers to sleep on their side
Exactly right.....I exist on the other side where bestiality is the norm and is enshrined in the Hades Constitution sub clause 99 along with a shit load of other Taboos - C'mon down

TNP believes in the here now Heaven?
Like a curb crawler? Not for prostitutes...but maybe I slow down to check out sexy dogs

The next poster has walked into a lamp post....
Jokes on you, I don't have a job!

TNP loves to eat spoonfuls of mayonnaise while eavesdropping on his/her neighbor's plot to conquer Turkmenistan.
Very accurate.

Next poster is uncertain that he/she have picked the right job, I have a strong feeling of displeasement in the job situation.
*When you’re on SSI* yes yes I am quite dissatisfied with my position as chief engineer at Google!

TNP secretly likes the smell of gasoline.