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Apparently a former National Geography photographer took this photo by chance on a film camera while on his way to visit his girlfriend, and he uploaded the digital copy to a stock photo site owned by Bill Gates.
It was never revealed how much Microsoft payed for the photo, but it was said to be so valuable that no company would transport the negative, so they paid for the photographer's plain tickets so he could hand deliver it in person.
Damn!! That’s interesting
Ok ok i get it......i misunderstood this forum ...i thought this forum is for help each other to find beastiality videos and to know beastiality stars name...
And as for this thread i know what thread this is... that's why i posted a new my own thread with my questions but my thread was i post my question here as this is a popular thread....
And i am not a zoo active person.....i only like watch girls penetrate by this forum is already useless for me...
And also if you knew that i was a new member you can simply warned me instead of your rude for your rude behavior put you dick in your ass bro...🖕🖕
I admit my post was to harsh.
But without any explanation you asked for a free deliverance of a full length film.
I will not comment your last sentence as the readers can think for themselves.
Yes, it's the remake of the Nokia 3310...
Any explanation ?
Nokia phones, no matter if the classic one or a remake (but the classic one beats the remake in this term) are a form of modern joke / meme and described as indestructible, basically humans way to forge a godly weapon.

In some statements and stories of people their phones survived things like being driven over by a semi truck, laying around in water four meters deep for a week and after drying still working, getting shot at and still working and many more.

It's the Chuck Norris of mobile phones. 🤷‍♂️
Nokia phones, no matter if the classic one or a remake (but the classic one beats the remake in this term) are a form of modern joke / meme and described as indestructible, basically humans way to forge a godly weapon.

In some statements and stories of people their phones survived things like being driven over by a semi truck, laying around in water four meters deep for a week and after drying still working, getting shot at and still working and many more.

It's the Chuck Norris of mobile phones. 🤷‍♂️
Thanks 👍