Picture/Clip Post Magazine

A TWO-pound coffee can from 1952. We used these for everything....including storing plasticine clay in school. One caveat. The inner rim had a liner that sometimes fell off. It was recommended the can be disposed of, if that happened. I damn near cut my hand off falling on one. Still have a fat scar on my right Palm after fifty plus yearsFB_IMG_1716782630828.jpg
'Hypatia', 1901.Alfred Siefert.jpg'Hypatia',1901. Alfred Sieferrt.

A Scientist, daughter of a Scientist, expounding on the Platonic view of the World. Egyptian Christians, deciding she was a witch, because of the gear she used to make observations in the physical world, including early Astrolabes, seized her and literally tore her into small pieces....in 415 AD
but we're all past that....aren't we?
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