Picture/Clip Post Magazine

I met a man who actually WAS one of those guys in the top picture. He was wearing cap that said "WW2." The man pushing his wheelchair told me, "Normandy, first wave." Holy goodness. I took his hand and did not want to let go of it, while looking into the very eyes that looked at that beach, and a brain that, I'm sure, doubted he would make it through that day, but knew it had to be done.
A Club in Baltimore...was only in it once around 1980 .....they later moved and became The Fish Market....Mary-Chapin Carpenter did her debut tour starting there, Great Show, that was.....And "Mama....THERE AIN'T no Cowboys in New Jersey"....I left in 71
< Grinnn>
"THERE AIN'T no Cowboys in New Jersey"
If you left in '71, that makes sense, then. LONG after '71, I attended a rodeo at Cowtown, NJ. In the middle of calf-roping competition, NOT as a comedy act, an alleged cowboy on a horse went after a calf. He threw the rope, horse stopped, cowboy hopped off and the rope had not caught the calf. Cowboy, running, stepped into the loop. The horse, doing his job, backed the slack out of the rope and tightened that loop and pulled Cowboy off his feet. I felt bad for him.
"THERE AIN'T no Cowboys in New Jersey"
If you left in '71, that makes sense, then. LONG after '71, I attended a rodeo at Cowtown, NJ. In the middle of calf-roping competition, NOT as a comedy act, an alleged cowboy on a horse went after a calf. He threw the rope, horse stopped, cowboy hopped off and the rope had not caught the calf. Cowboy, running, stepped into the loop. The horse, doing his job, backed the slack out of the rope and tightened that loop and pulled Cowboy off his feet. I felt bad for him.
It happens. The horse does his job...sometimes a roper doesn't. But the Cowboy would rather the horse gets it right, because thats the brains of the outfit< grinnn>
Those grubs are huge...hercules beetles, Id say....edible, and in some indigenous groups, considered a delicacy. There are in Venezuela( but not likely for long) groups that harvest Bananas, then cut the tree down. Banana trees only fruit once. But the open stump becomes home to a similar grub, which in a couple of years is sized like this....the people who cut the tree wander from place to place and eventually find themselves back where the cut trees are....they cut the stump at the ground....and throw it in the fire....when the stump is ash, the grub is cooked. This is evidence for how hunters became hunter-gatherers and the earliest form of agriculture. Bon Appetite!