Parents and being zoo. How do you handle both sides of your life and lifestyle.


I (m40) and my wife (f38) are starting out in our path together in this lifestyle. I've always been a zoo but my wife has always been indifferent. We have been together since we were kids and she has always know what I am, didnt care just stayed out of it. Well she had her first experience and loved it. I think she has always be interested but the taboo stopped her.

I tell you all that to paint a picture. We are an established couple with a nuclear life. We have kids. Pre teen. With one being a girl. Now of course we do not want to expose them to this life. If I could spare them from ever learning about the terming Zoophilia I would. This was a hard life to lead. But I digress.

What are some tricks and tips you have learned to keep your two lives apart. What was the quickest way you found to keep your dogs from trying to initiate with your children? That's a big concern for my wife. Do you have some special collar that worked well or some other que? Do you get hotels or do you risk it after the kids go to bed? Any advice you picked up juggling your life and lifestyle is welcome.
I heard motel 6 are dog friendly. I like to risk it myself you should do it after the kids go to bed. Then tell us the details of what went down.
I heard motel 6 are dog friendly. I like to risk it myself you should do it after the kids go to bed. Then tell us the details of what went down.
Also I would like to add, that you should be able to do better than a Motel 6. Those places are nasty. Hilton or a Holiday Inn Express welcomes dogs and is $100-150 a night and you get breakfast after your fuckfeast. Just bc your dirty doesn't mean your sheets should be.