
Over the years I’ve come to the conclusion that the K9 part of this world is way bigger than anyone would think. Simple math based on the number of vids & pics available and the idea that 99.9% of people involved would never tell anyone much less take pics etc..
So am I wrong when I see women walking dogs, especially big dogs that it is probably 50/50 fido is getting more than the average hubby?
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A year or two after we were married, my wife admitted she had a dream that a dog “got” her. She is the totally conservative type… so I kind of think, even if not acted on, it is a pretty common fantasy.
i am sure the number are pretty high-- if you say world wide there are 8 billion, lets say half are adults --- i think if you grow among dogs in the west are among animals in middle east or africa things happen even without knowing about animal sex videos ----- in the zoobook era there was an eypgtian woman who she seemed very legit she told me that her interest started by seeing her families donkeys erection and she had a craving to suck it (which she did) --- and we see so many movies, literaly thousands of women who were willing to video it so you can imagine how much are those who just do it privatly ((( and lastly just to add, i happened to talk with a dweeb (person who like anima) from saudi arabia (!!!) which i noticed she liked some beast sex account and she was totally down with it)