

Is anyone else excited as hell for the future? This invention is really going to change a lot, especially for people like me who has a condition that might be helped by it, but also for society in general. I can imagine if people keep using this "brain stimulation" to stay alert, receptive and rational, it will eradicate a lot of prejudice, such as that against zoophilia.... what are your thoughts on it?

Yea No. if it can be used one way, it can be used another. We are still the minority. If you get arrested for this, a quick solution would be “let’s alter his mind so he doesn’t like this”. If that is who you define yourself as, what is left?

watch the fallout. All the Anti-lgbt band have a way to literally change your sexuality and eradicate the “impure”.

So many dangerous uses
Well, they're experimenting the device on pigs, so maybe in the future animals can electronically give consent? That'd be one way to argue against the anti-zoo mainstream...
Sounds incredibly risky, but then again I'm highly against intrusive tech (like Rekognition). Yeah, I'm biased, but as long as it's never made mandatory (like with forced biometrics to get a job) I feel it's a personal choice then.
I feel like you guys missed the bone here. Something like this could lead to an important milestone in our ability to communicate with other species in a less crude way than we already can?
Ahhhh that you did. Glad to see people are keeping those things close in mind
Although to be fair, while I touched on it, the truth is I wouldn't expect much from this in the near future regarding animal communication. They may be experimenting with this device on pigs, and possibly/allegedly monkeys (there was rumor), it's just to make sure that the devices work and are safe. They're not focusing on the kind of research that could unlock the thoughts of animals exactly, just the basic surface thought like limb movements that could be applied to humans later on in need of prosthetic limbs. By the time they attempt to move on to more complex brain scanning/reading, they'll have moved on to actual human test subjects.

Still, once the devices have moved past limb/motor function focus and treating mental disorders like seizures or epilepsy, it's not out of the question that while Musk's company is focused on human minds, other scientists and students could use the technology to try to "speak" with the animals - in fact I would most definitely expect it.

It's not what I would call near future - I'm projecting this area somewhere at 30-40 years down the line personally, it's within many of our lifetimes. Now how far this goes, how deep the level of communication, who knows. And trying to use it to prove any ethical reasoning in support of zoophilia and bestiality is still an uphill battle I wouldn't want to be a part of. But, I would be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued by the possibilities that could stem from this direction and line of inquiry.

One day when you say that you and Rover are equal romantic partners, Rover could chime in to back you up in that argument.
How would this happen?
The thought that this may eventually lead to the scanning of animal thoughts and therefore actual communication - as in their thoughts would electronically be translated into English. In which case an animal could communicate that sex is fine, and then anti-zoos would have a harder time to argue against it.

I'm personally somewhat skeptical about it paving the way for normalcy of bestiality, but who knows?
The thought that this may eventually lead to the scanning of animal thoughts and therefore actual communication - as in their thoughts would electronically be translated into English. In which case an animal could communicate that sex is fine, and then anti-zoos would have a harder time to argue against it.

I'm personally somewhat skeptical about it paving the way for normalcy of bestiality, but who knows?
Some antis acknowledge they consent but still do not accept because of the power imbalance, not to be a spoil sport but new technology does not bring acceptance especially if antis created it.
I'm if/or on it. I know it's going to happen at some point or another. I'm a transhumanist to some degree so once the ability to reliably meld machines to the body (or parts can be replaced ala Cyberpunk style) I'm most likely going to do it.

It can be used for evil (sure, so can every other piece of tech) but I need to see how it works first and as my boy Gordon Freeman says in Freeman's Mind, I prefer other people learn the hard way for me. So I'll wait to see how it works before I take any risks with it.