My favorite fantasy: An open zoo community


I briefly mentioned this in another thread, and figured it would be worth elaborating on in detail in case anyone shares my fantasies, since this is easily my favorite late-night masturbation fantasy.

Imagine a farm or community of zoo folks, all living together with their animals and totally open about what they do. Everyone shares their pets, and any farm animals like horses, sheep, or cows are free for anyone to get intimate with. No one is ashamed of their sexuality, and no one bothers to hide what they do. Heading out to the stables for some fresh milk? Don't be surprised if you see one of your friends or neighbors balls-deep in a cow. You wave at each other and continue on, no shame.

On weekends you go horse riding with your friends--totally naked of course, if the weather is right. Stop for lunch by the lake, take in the sights, then you and your friends take some time to get intimate with your mares before the ride home. Mares in heat are just irresistible, so you might have to stop a few times along the way to get some relief. No need to pull off the trail and find a secluded spot, sex with animals is perfectly natural, so just do it right there!

At night, you and your friends gather naked around an outdoor fire, drinking beers and hanging out. Getting worked up? There's probably a dog nearby that would be happy to indulge you; don't bother getting up and finding a tree to hide behind or anything, just let a warm, wet dog pussy bring you to orgasm, right in front of everyone else. You'd probably be the second or third person to cum in her that night, so she's definitely ready to go and dripping.
I briefly mentioned this in another thread, and figured it would be worth elaborating on in detail in case anyone shares my fantasies, since this is easily my favorite late-night masturbation fantasy.

Imagine a farm or community of zoo folks, all living together with their animals and totally open about what they do. Everyone shares their pets, and any farm animals like horses, sheep, or cows are free for anyone to get intimate with. No one is ashamed of their sexuality, and no one bothers to hide what they do. Heading out to the stables for some fresh milk? Don't be surprised if you see one of your friends or neighbors balls-deep in a cow. You wave at each other and continue on, no shame.

On weekends you go horse riding with your friends--totally naked of course, if the weather is right. Stop for lunch by the lake, take in the sights, then you and your friends take some time to get intimate with your mares before the ride home. Mares in heat are just irresistible, so you might have to stop a few times along the way to get some relief. No need to pull off the trail and find a secluded spot, sex with animals is perfectly natural, so just do it right there!

At night, you and your friends gather naked around an outdoor fire, drinking beers and hanging out. Getting worked up? There's probably a dog nearby that would be happy to indulge you; don't bother getting up and finding a tree to hide behind or anything, just let a warm, wet dog pussy bring you to orgasm, right in front of everyone else. You'd probably be the second or third person to cum in her that night, so she's definitely ready to go and dripping.
It's an interesting idea, zoophilia should be legal as long as it's enjoyable for both parties.
It's our fantasy too. Unlike other jailbait categories, zoophilia is much more consenting to the peers involving towards each other. As long as both of the peers enjoy & engage spontaneously, it should be legal & acceptable. Social moral obligation should have been to appraise true love. & take punitive measures against non-consensual crimes like cruelty towards animal. Ironically reality is upside down :/
A more open community, where having fun with more than two persons is normal should be the standard~
Sure I still like monogamous relationships still- but I just think a lot more people would come out of their bubble if ygm haha ;)
I like this idea, but there should definitely be ground rules. For example, the gangbanging of a female dog in that last paragraph should be frowned upon...
You've never seen a bunch of male dogs hounding a bitch in heat, have you? There are plenty of videos of a bitch getting mounted by more than one participant (not at the same time!) in the same session. Though, I agree that when humans are involved it's a lot less normal from her perspective. For all we talk about watching our animal partners' body language, we ultimately can't truly know what they're thinking or even if they truly consent to what we're doing. For all we know, they might simply be doing whatever "that human that feeds me" wants to do
As someone put comune sex and partner sharing...

"It was nice to be able to fuck with all those women without more than asking. The part where other guys could fuck with my wife, that part I did not like *that* much"
As someone put comune sex and partner sharing...

"It was nice to be able to fuck with all those women without more than asking. The part where other guys could fuck with my wife, that part I did not like *that* much"
Oh, I would definitely find hot, as long as I got to watch…
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I briefly mentioned this in another thread, and figured it would be worth elaborating on in detail in case anyone shares my fantasies, since this is easily my favorite late-night masturbation fantasy.

Imagine a farm or community of zoo folks, all living together with their animals and totally open about what they do. Everyone shares their pets, and any farm animals like horses, sheep, or cows are free for anyone to get intimate with. No one is ashamed of their sexuality, and no one bothers to hide what they do. Heading out to the stables for some fresh milk? Don't be surprised if you see one of your friends or neighbors balls-deep in a cow. You wave at each other and continue on, no shame.

On weekends you go horse riding with your friends--totally naked of course, if the weather is right. Stop for lunch by the lake, take in the sights, then you and your friends take some time to get intimate with your mares before the ride home. Mares in heat are just irresistible, so you might have to stop a few times along the way to get some relief. No need to pull off the trail and find a secluded spot, sex with animals is perfectly natural, so just do it right there!

At night, you and your friends gather naked around an outdoor fire, drinking beers and hanging out. Getting worked up? There's probably a dog nearby that would be happy to indulge you; don't bother getting up and finding a tree to hide behind or anything, just let a warm, wet dog pussy bring you to orgasm, right in front of everyone else. You'd probably be the second or third person to cum in her that night, so she's definitely ready to go and dripping.
Honestly, I think I'd find that a little odd if there's people having sex with their pet outside in the park or something
I like this idea, but there should definitely be ground rules. For example, the gangbanging of a female dog in that last paragraph should be frowned upon...
Why? If she’s keen there’s nothing wrong with that.

As someone put comune sex and partner sharing...

"It was nice to be able to fuck with all those women without more than asking. The part where other guys could fuck with my wife, that part I did not like *that* much"
Nonsense. Many people love to share their partners 🙋‍♂️
I have always thought of having/ being apart of a community that was zoo open and friendly. where people are free to be themselves without judgment. like a secret gated community or something. if you want to be naked, be naked, you want to love your pets, love them. every store would be pet friendly. just having a place where people can be free to be themselves.
I like this idea, but I would also want it to be where there’s certain areas within to do your thing. Example having comfortable seating areas designed with oral pleasure in mind, certain rooms set up appropriately to do whatever it is people are typically into. More organization instead of people just randomly around everywhere trying to find spots to do their things. While open, comfort and privacy is still a thing. The difference is the privacy is so there’s less distractions
I briefly mentioned this in another thread, and figured it would be worth elaborating on in detail in case anyone shares my fantasies, since this is easily my favorite late-night masturbation fantasy.

Imagine a farm or community of zoo folks, all living together with their animals and totally open about what they do. Everyone shares their pets, and any farm animals like horses, sheep, or cows are free for anyone to get intimate with. No one is ashamed of their sexuality, and no one bothers to hide what they do. Heading out to the stables for some fresh milk? Don't be surprised if you see one of your friends or neighbors balls-deep in a cow. You wave at each other and continue on, no shame.

On weekends you go horse riding with your friends--totally naked of course, if the weather is right. Stop for lunch by the lake, take in the sights, then you and your friends take some time to get intimate with your mares before the ride home. Mares in heat are just irresistible, so you might have to stop a few times along the way to get some relief. No need to pull off the trail and find a secluded spot, sex with animals is perfectly natural, so just do it right there!

At night, you and your friends gather naked around an outdoor fire, drinking beers and hanging out. Getting worked up? There's probably a dog nearby that would be happy to indulge you; don't bother getting up and finding a tree to hide behind or anything, just let a warm, wet dog pussy bring you to orgasm, right in front of everyone else. You'd probably be the second or third person to cum in her that night, so she's definitely ready to go and dripping.
If it's liks this, I'd wanna fuck my friends too lol
I imagine Paradise just like this.
stallions however can be shared among several people, my fantasy would be to join 3 other people under a big stallion and suck his big genitals all together.
Honestly I don't see why it wouldn't at least be possible to set up some sort of communal farm where we could live out our lifestyle in peace. The idea reminds me of how San Francisco and Greenwich Village became Meccas for LGBT people after WWII.