Meeting up with a horse in privacy


Anyone have ideas on how to spend time with a horse with some privacy if you don't own one or work at a farm?
And if your info is correct, and you actually are in Ocala, you better think - not twice, but 3, 4, 5, even a dozen times before you even CONSIDER hopping a fence - Having been there, worked various barns there, and otherwise knowing the real score, I can tell you with absolute certainty that crossing a fence uninvited is a *REALLY* good way to get dead, and there aren't likely to be many questions asked, other than "What ammo did you use?"

That was 20-some years ago, before the proliferation of cameras that you have no chance of seeing before they see you, and before FL got as gun-friendly as it has become today.

Think with the head on your shoulders, not the one in your pants. You wanna die? Hop a fence in Ocala. Someone will almost certainly fix you right up...
Thanks @UR20Z and @dartel,

We don't have any intentions of fence hopping, etc. Thanks for the tip though.
I should have probably expanded the question better before posting.

I have seen that horses can be leased, as opposed to owned. It appears that it works like TimeSharing of sorts where the person leasing isn't responsible for daily feeding and medical, but they can ride the horses on certain days of the week, etc.

This is one thing that I am aware of to spend time alone with a horse. I'm looking to see if there are other options out there that I'm not thinking about. If you have any ideas or knowledge of things like that...that is what I'm interested in hearing about.

Thanks in advance.