Making out

I could easily spend an hour just kissing and petting my girl. But she's a dog. Making out with women is kind of boring in comparison. The only thing that makes it feel less like a chore is when they get really into it, so I feel like I'm at least doing something for them.
I’m asexual, so sex doesn’t interest me, but the thought of making out with big slobbery dogs is absolutely my biggest turn-on. The physical connection there, sharing germs and cuddling. Absolutely one of my favorite things. Kissing humans does nothing for me.
But do you think it’s because dogs are more interested in the sex than the foreplay? Maybe if you tried making out before presenting yourself as a potential mate you’d have better results? I wouldn’t know personally, so I apologize if this is an inadequate response, but I’m still happy to contribute to the conversation. ??
Well, I've only made out a few times with women before. The first time was the most intense.
When it comes to humans, I’m pretty much asexual. Little to nothing about the human body arouses me. And as for kissing, I never really enjoyed it. When my girlfriend wants to make out or have sex, I really just do it for her enjoyment. I’ll cuddle with her and hold her close since I do enjoy that, but thats about as much as I enjoy.
When it comes to animals, I feel that I enjoy everything exponentially more.
for me I can take or leave the sex but the closeness of knowing a partners body non sexually (and kissing - human) is a big thing for me, human and my k9 girl.
Anyone miss just making out? Not having sex or oral just holding your partner tight, kissing and petting them, exploring thier body? It seems like over the years most guys i have met really dont enjoy it, or will tolerate it for a minute before going straight to the sex. Why is this guys?
just turn lesbian. i have no ideer if you are a man or woman and i do not care
Making out, cuddling, petting, all of the above when it comes to my dogs is great. French kissing for long periods of time, have one that loves to lick my face and all over my head for a long time. One loves to lick any place as long as she is licking me she is happy. lol.. I just lay on the floor, or in bed, and call them to come up. We don't need sex each and every time. Could go a month with no sex with my dogs, no biggie.
Humans, do nothing for me. Sooner to be with a lot of dogs, than any of the so called sexy women out there. Only ever had 3 girl friends in my whole life, and looking back, believe that was 3 too many. lol..
I miss making out with my husky I really loved him so it was a romantic thing to do (in my own opinion) before we actually played together. I could tell he liked it because as we progressed id always explore his soft body and run my hand over his sheath he would be lipsticking halfway through our makeout sessions :p
Making out with people and dogs is great!! Nothing like kissing someone you love and tasting them upon your lips and tongue. Now making out with a dog, so erotic and sloppy but just such a turn on (especially how taboo it is). I’ve made out with a Rottweiler, a mutt, and then used to make out with my chocolate lab all the time before he passed away. Always turned me on
kissing, cuddling, carressing and petting one another to the point where you cant really take it any longer and then you just NEED to have one another. that is the absolute best. sure sex is fun, but nothing beats the passion before it ;)
My idea of "making out" is nursing from their boobs for a very long time.
Since my first sexual experience with an animal was, actually, kissing a dog (and believe me or not, he started it), it became one of the most intimate moments that I keep in my memory.
The feeling of his warm body while we were hugged, his smell, his tongue trying to reach the back of my throat, me sucking on that huge tongue and jacking him off in the meanwhile (I also managed to finger him a couple times while he was in that 'frenzy' mode).
I felt that I was where I belonged in that moment, and it's a feeling I wanna feel again if I'll meet another furry partner who is into it ❤
Since my first sexual experience with an animal was, actually, kissing a dog (and believe me or not, he started it), it became one of the most intimate moments that I keep in my memory.
The feeling of his warm body while we were hugged, his smell, his tongue trying to reach the back of my throat, me sucking on that huge tongue and jacking him off in the meanwhile (I also managed to finger him a couple times while he was in that 'frenzy' mode).
I felt that I was where I belonged in that moment, and it's a feeling I wanna feel again if I'll meet another furry partner who is into it ❤
thats so beautiful :love:
I'm super cuddly, I love hugging and closeness. I don't like to kiss animals all that much but humans I will kiss a lot <3

Dogs do love to french kiss and lick you all over so I'm always in a bit of a trouble when that happens ?
Well... I can only say that after my experience I had all my mouth sore (tongue included), so... yep, they really enjoy kissing and can get pretty insistent when you let them do it ?