Last to post wins

ZNA ought to slap that picture onto their stickers, sure that will garner success in convincing the masses right? 😂
If anything is going to work, it will be that 😆. She’s even looking back at whoever is taking the picture like she knows she owns that 🥵. Damn floofy you couldn’t have waited to share that picture with me until later in the night? 😂
If anything is going to work, it will be that 😆. She’s even looking back at whoever is taking the picture like she knows she owns that 🥵. Damn floofy you couldn’t have waited to share that picture with me until later in the night? 😂
Someone call the president... of their organization stat! No lie, I scrolled back up and my litter girl was fixated on the screen. Even my girl know a hunkin sexy beast when she sees one! Lol
.. then I say, "why are you petting yourself, why are you petting yourself?"

Just trying to emulate a Maneki-neko. 🐾 🐈

Yep, Mr. mischievous foxo waving kitten with nine tails ate too much of that protein cattle corn (thanks go to @DaneLover1 for telling me that descriptive term).

If you ever thought that eating red beans with chili and masses of onions would shapeshift you into a natural gas reservoir, you're wrong. This cattlestuff actually is thirty-seven degrees worse.
I had to look that up. I didn't know what that was!

Nah, my post was a joke. lol. It might be more of an American thing. Basically on TV and in Movies if there is a "bully" character one thing he'll normally do is take the hand of the person is bullying and use it to make the victim hit himself using his own hand and proclaim "why are you hitting yourself, why are you hitting yourself?" In my case I was making you pat your head with your own hand and proclaiming "why are you petting yourself, why are you petting yourself?" I know dumb joke!

If you ever thought that eating red beans with chili and masses of onions would shapeshift you into a natural gas reservoir, you're wrong. This cattlestuff actually is thirty-seven degrees worse.
Oof... that sounds like one fun trip to the bathroom!
Oof... that sounds like one fun trip to the bathroom!
Actually was in there 17 hours ago the last time. Might have to go there soon, as coffee and food produce unforeseen consequences.
Let's see if I explode and the building collapses. If not, I'll be back some time later. :ROFLMAO:

It might be more of an American thing. Basically on TV and in Movies if there is a "bully" character one thing he'll normally do is take the hand of the person is bullying and use it to make the victim hit himself using his own hand and proclaim "why are you hitting yourself, why are you hitting yourself?" In my case I was making you pat your head with your own hand and proclaiming "why are you petting yourself, why are you petting yourself?" I know dumb joke!
Oh, I know that behavior, but usually people who tried it long ago were not happy with the results (as my other hand was free and not watching in eloquent silence).

Can't stand people who belittle others for personal insecurities and the gains they assume through it.

But in your case there was only patting, so all is fine. 🤷‍♂️ *puts the pneumatic hammer drill with the 230 mm long and 12 mm diameter four blade drill back with the other hand*
Ah, kettle. Somehow I had cattle in mind, which ain't too far off, as some cattle are fed corn.
Just not popped kettle corn, but who knows? :unsure: Could be the next big thing. 🍿