kool cat


Was at a friends house, their cat was in heat. She was so friendly and loving. They told me she was also in heat, So my love for animals kicked in. Sex in my view is very limited due to size. I decided to bring her pleasure to the front and 1st. I started to rub her pussy after she jumped onto my lap. She was very accepting of me touching her. As I gently massaged her pussy she became even more open to my touch. Within 20 seconts her pussy was clearly soaked from me touching her. She became more affectionate. So my point is takeing care of your pet does not mean a physically self sex gratification. But my joy came from her pleasure from my touch. So her sexual pleasure became my pleasure. The joy given to me over the years has alway been a two way street ; with any animal. Animals simply have gave us (people) pleasure in so many ways.
Truely show kindness and love of your pets when and how you can. Don't be selfish in your treatment and teachings of your pets. Show them the love they deserve.