Is it weird?

I don't think so but then again I'm a zoo. I bet you asked someone who isn't then you'd get a different answer.
What I think is weird is that people want us to think we're the weird ones.
You aren't alone. We're just the ones that have the balls to admit it to ourselves and others here.

How many more are out there that have admitted it to themselves, but haven't found their way here?
How many have at least acknowledged the urge to themselves and never followed the urge or ended up here?

That's too many to be coincidence. Couple that with history, both recent and ancient, and you then have a trend.

That trend isn't an anomaly. It really can't be. And this isn't a "learned" thing. It comes from within.

That being said, I personally believe it's hard coded into our very genetics, and I'm thinking we're probably the more "normal" ones....
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I ❤️ animal pussies. As far back as I can remember being sexually aware. Nothing weird about it as far as I'm concerned. 😋
If you mean weird as In the noun: A person's destiny (ARCHAIC•SCOTTISH)
Then absolutely :gsd_wink:

If you mean weird as in eccentric than I mean, ya too, wanting to be with animals is unconventional in society but.... Who cares if it is. All the most intriguing people out there are a little "weird" 🤷

It's ok to be different from the norm. Different usually equals weird because society is full of a bunch of followers who can't think for themselves and mirror common belief so they don't get ostracized. Let's be real. Be you. We all accept it here :gsd_happysmile:
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I am fascinated by cows... All the bouncing and jiggling as they walk. I can't help but look. Finally got at one years ago, and it was like being king of the world.
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It was weird way back when, when I first came across zoo/beast stuff... But, the first time I had actual contact, it wasn't weird at all; it felt almost natural. Tbph, at this point, I find it almost more odd that most people aren't...
Maybe I think those who don't see the sexual appeal/intrigue of certain animals or their genitalia are weird.
"I'm not weird, YOU'RE weird!" 😁😜
I think it's normal, I'm straight guy, when I see animal pussy, it turn me on but never get the chance to try it