Is it possible to create antropomorphic animals?

"And scientifically both they belong to the same Homo sapiens sapiens." yup how unfortunate this classification is, like saying all dogs are dogs be it tiny tiny pocket ones or massive giants, all are dogs...kkkkk
Read carefully now.
A herd of gorillas in the jungle has more genetic diversity than all 8 billion humans on the planet have among themselves. We are definitely ALL the same species and that is not in dispute.

Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Suborder: Haplorhini
Infraorder: Simiiformes
Familia: Hominidae
Subfamilia: Homininae
Tribus: Hominini
Subtribus: Hominina
Genus: Homo
Species: Homo sapiens
Subspecies: Homo sapiens sapiens (our humankind), Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (extinct).

Such insignificant genetic diversity among 8 billion humans suggests that all of present-day humanity traces its origins to a few hundred to a few thousand cromagnons. So, no matter who likes this fact, americans, russians, and all other humans are of the same species.
Once technology has advanced enough a lot of ethical issues and many horrific creatures later might have something that could be considered a success