is it possable to make zoophilia legal in the US?

Is it possable to get zoophilia legal in the US? Is there anyway to protect yourself from states that have it illigal? I live in florida, is there anyway i can in the future protect myself from corrupt laws against zoophilia? Thanks. (Kinda just for thought)
How are these laws corrupt? Who's getting kickbacks for banning zoo sex? They may be moralistic laws but calling them corrupt is insane.
Possible, yes.
Likely, no.

It would take a lot of effort to change public opinion. I think it could be done, but nobody is willing to pop up their head and fund the process, so it's not going to happen. Look at what it took for gays to begin to be accepted and realize there are probably 100 times more of them than zoo and that's being generous.
My personal opinion is that not in any of our lifetimes. Money talks and it not profitable. Also it is used as a topic to deflect from other more profitable topics. "Oh there is this going on don't pay attention to that look over here we are protecting the animals and society."
nope, never. for the laws to change, someone has to lobby for it. are you volunteering?

your best bet is to move to a state where either no explicit law exists or punishment is very light. or do what everyone else does, keep this lifestyle private.
First off there's no "corruption" in zoophile laws. Most people don't approve of it and want it banned, period. There isn't a single politician getting shit for zoophile laws. It's not some widely approved of thing. The sooner you accept that, the better.

Second... Do what you want to do and stop worrying about "the law". I'm in a state where it's illegal, been doing it for years, and I'm still here. Breaking a law has to be proven. If you aren't dumb, there isn't any way for that to happen. If you made it this far you probably aren't dumb.

For your original question about legalization, it isn't happening anytime soon (probably not ever), so best to take the above advice and keep a low profile.
With the woke insanity going on in the last few years I actually wouldn't be surprised to see it legalized in the next 5-10 years assuming things don't go off the rails here.