IRL experienced sound off

I have been able to successfully interface my brain with a PC. Creating realistic content, from my imagination, by using a bio to digital impulse converter, connected to a quantum wave generator, operating in subspace.

I think the results are pretty impressive for realism, even encompassing realistic camera problems! Like bad or hot light.

I think some of the synaptic interpreters can be tuned a bit more.
I did a deed once....kinda unexciting....paper just has no soul....and the Clerk in the Recorder's office had no sense of humor, either....
Well... Elvis, Nixon, Patty Strausselbeck from Holbrook, Mississippi, Elmo and Buddha!!! But I ain't saying anymore until you give me your half of the list! 🤔
Never. I do can wonders with an AI intelligence tho. The videos and gifs come out very real looking. Like you could swear it was really real. CGI got nothing on this new age of AI technology.