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Introducing Me 24

I’m 24 years old , straight male, African American, 6 foot 4 inches or 194cm for the metric users 😉, don’t have much experience in person! But I’m just here to talk with like minded people! My goal would be to find a partner who shares the same interest or someone who accepts that I’d not (cheat on them with another human) if you classify this form of sexual act as cheating ! Fan of Greek mythology and history in the way of being taught that a human mated with animals and created marvelous creatures! Yes I also have a passport and speak a few languages not fluently but enough to not get lost! Another part of the dream is to have a self sustainable place with lots of acres! Also yes I will be skeptical of everyone and anyone until I actually get to know you under the mask for who you are and not who you portray in public! Feel free to follow, message me (when I unlock it) and yeah!
Poison of choice: scotch
Animal of choice: female canines, mares, women 😉😝
If I had the chance: female dolphin I once read they can pull you in deeper for amazing orgasms but I don’t have the lung capacity for that
Anything else just ask!

-SINcerely MYSELF 💛
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