Inner vulva discoloration during ending phase of first heat...should I go to a vet?


Citizen of Zooville
Hey everyone,

Now that my girl is in the ending phase of her first heat cycle, I have noticed some dark discoloration on the inner folds of her vulva. I'm not sure if this could be some sort of staining from all the blood flow, or something else. Attached are pictures of what appears to be discoloration. Is this any cause for concern, or is this normal?
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It takes a while for everything to go back to "normal". I don't see anything that looks concerning to me, but I'm not a vet and I have nothing but two pictures and a few sentences to go by.

If you intend to care for an intact bitch, I'd recommend you spend some time getting to understand the canine estrus cycle. It will help you understand what's going on and what to expect. One of the biggest risks for bitches is pyometra. Risk goes up as the years go by, so ask your vet to show you how to palpate her uterus and practice it so that you have a better chance of early discovery should that happen.

In general, if there is a discharge that smells foul or is bloody when she's not in season, don't fuck around waiting; get professional advice immediately.

Here's a thread with some advice for those new to caring for a canine.

The love and affection of a canine is the best, reward that love with the best care you can.
Just from a quick Google search, it states that if you notice any sudden coloration changes with your dog's vulva, to take her to the vet for an additional examination.

Does it smell differently or foul? Does it feel a little coarse to the touch? Is it causing her any pain, or is she abnormally licking at it? If so, this could be a severe yeast infection, and you'll want to get some medication from the vet sooner than later as while it's not deadly, it's very uncomfortable for her. If... that is the case.
A *LOT* of bitches will develop pigmentation in that area as they mature. Based on the little you have to say and what I can see, that's what appears to be happening in this case. It isn't a case of "every bitch will have this happen", but it's also not a case of "OMG! This is indicative of a problem!". Unless she shows some definite indications of "something's wrong" besides this, I'd be doing very little beyond keeping an eye on things at this stage.