I'm going to take my dogs virginity

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Hey all. I've fucked my dog in the ass a couple times, but I'm about 7" and I feel it's kinda painful for her. So I don't do it often at all, only when I get so worked up something overcomes me and I just grab her...

She is just now going into her second heat (I've waited for this time for a while. I tried her first heat but wasn't able to because I didn't have a good place to do it. She was scared, and I didn't want to hurt her. But I now have my own private area.)

How do you guys think I should do this? When I put her on the bed and get on top of her she tends to not move much. But if she is standing then it seems more natural and she seems more relaxed. But if it does hurt her some I don't want her to be able to get away. The first time is almost certainly going to hurt her, as is common for most animals. I'm definitely not going to really hurt her or make her yelp and squirm the whole time. I would stop. But I can imagine she is going to be uncomfortable and yelp the first few thrusts. I can feel a vein or peice of skin or something that is dead center about an inch into her vagina that is going to have to break. I was going to break it with my finger last heat, but I didn't want to hurt her.

Should I break it with my penis? Is this a vein? (It is thin, like 6-7 human hairs wide).

Which position should I do it from?

I want to get this first fuck out of the way because I don't imagine it's going to be real connecting. I don't want it to be traumatizing either. Has anyone ever taken their dogs virginity? She is my service dog and I've had her since 6.5 weeks. I've been patiently waiting for this the whole time and got a female for this reason.


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I've fucked my dog in the ass a couple times, but I'm about 7" and I feel it's kinda painful for her. So I don't do it often at all, only when I get so worked up something overcomes me and I just grab her...
But if it does hurt her some I don't want her to be able to get away.
The first time is almost certainly going to hurt her, as is common for most animals.
But I can imagine she is going to be uncomfortable and yelp the first few thrusts
Holy fuck, no! Sex must be mutually enjoyable for the both of you! If she is uncomfortable or even in pain, you have to stop that immediately. Limiting her ability to move or continuing while she's clearly unconfortable or crying out in pain is rape, simple as that.
She is not a breathing fleshlight, for crying out loud!

I tried her first heat
While you claim you didn't had a go, I still want to reiterate: Any sexual approaches before her second heat are strongly discouraged. She's merely a pup starting her puberty at that stage. Her hormones are going crazy, a lot of bodily changes are going on and she's still growing and developing.

How do you guys think I should do this?
First and foremost, listen to her (that includes bodily language). If she does not want it, stop it.
Next, I would consider her size as in the picture she seems to be a little bit too small for intercourse, but the angle could skew that.
There is a guide to bitch sex in the How-To section packed with a lot of important and useful information.

I can feel a vein or peice of skin or something that is dead center about an inch into her vagina
This is the hymen. There's some information about it in the guide to bitches as well, just use Ctrl-F.

Also, this is the wrong section. "Zoophilia and Bestiality Sexuality" would have been a better match.
Jesus OP, you're going about this IN ALL THE WRONG DIRECTIONS!

Let me break this down for you...

You do not want her to associate sex with pain! That is absolutely the LAST thing you want to do. You always want sex to be mutual pleasure between both parties. You do not want to hold her down and force yourself in her. This is RAPE, through and through, no questions asked. By doing this you'll be guaranteeing that all future encounters will be unwanted and rape.

Virgin canine vaginas are often very tight to start out. When a male dog enters a female dog his penis size will gradually grow once inside of her. If you go straight in with your "7 inch cock" and fuck her, you're more than likely going to cause rips and tear along the vaginal walls. Especially the ring of muscle located 3-5 inches in. She'll more than likely require a trip to the vet, and a vaginal injury like that will not be a fun one to explain. If you skip the vet she'll more than likely get infected and possibly die, and sir, that blood would be on your hands.

First and foremost like @Huskeroni stated, listen to her wants, needs, and desires! If she is uncomfortable, STOP ALL ADVANCES! The fact that you've justified anally raping her because you got "too worked up" is honestly sickening. Lust is not a justification for rape and forced sex.

I'm not going to sit here and spell out step by step directions to how our should properly start sex off with a female dog, because you've already proven yourself to be unethical. There are plenty of resources here, but the first thing you'll want to do is learn how to read her body language and listen to her. In a healthy human-animal relationship the animal ALWAYS gets to final say in whether they want sex or not. If she doesn't want sex form you, tough titties!

Learn the body language of a willing canine, and stick to fingering her to eventually open her up, if she feels comfortable with you doing so. If not, then stop.
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This is a truly troubling thread. The one and only reason you have not been immediately banned for rape is that there is a possibility that you could be educated in how absolutely wrong you where to have anal intercourse when she, in your words, admitted that it was painful for her.
Every word I type is painful due to the fact that I want to hit the ban button in the hardest possible way.

Everyone here has given you the correct information. Take heed and learn. I hope you can regain her trust, whether or not she will allow sex in future.
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