I need some help

I recently got a dog and now that they're mature enough, I want to try something with them, but I'm afraid I might hurt them, they're a female dog, mixed races, can someone help me out?
Congratulations on your companion!

I have no experience with female dogs myself, but I can point you at the How-to section of the forum with guides from experienced authors: https://www.zooville.org/forums/how-tos-and-educational.10/ As you can probably imagine, your question is not very unique, i.e. many people attracted by female canines have been in the same situation as you. So the search function will probably lead you to a number of relevant topics, too. If you have more specific questions, you probably need to be a bit more specific concerning your dog and you. One thing I've learned from reading is that sometimes people think that their dog is mature enough, but in reality she's not. The first heat in particular is too early.
Remember that not all users are native English speakers. The use of the word race may be what's called a false friend in linguistics. Rasse is the correct term for both human race and dog breed in German for example, so it is a common mistake for Germans to translate Rasse to race when they refer to dogs.