I had to make the most difficult decision, tips for healthy grieving would be appreciated.


My buddy has been suffering in his old age to the point I had to make the most difficult decision by having the vet come to the house. I was able to hold his head and let his muzzle before he went. I felt his breathing become weaker until it stopped completely. I didn’t want to let go or stop petting him and I still wish I could have held him just a little longer. It’s only been a week since he’s been gone and I’ve been mentally preparing myself for this very thing for almost a year but it still hits hard. I over heard a coworker mention pets and putting down a cat a couple years ago, before I knew it I was silently crying to myself. He’s the first Doggo I’ve had since a puppy, I used to carry him around in a 5 gallon bucket when he was little. Does anyone have tips for healthy grieving or coping suggestions?


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I’m sorry for your loss. Nothing can take away that pain, but over time it gets easier to live with the pain. Big hugs.
I was in a similar boat 5 years ago. The memory of my last dog never goes away. I still dream of her to this day. For me, I had to expose myself to the grief over and over for it not to overwhelm me. The first year was agony with the emotional overload and nightmares, but over time the nightmares stopped and I was able to get through the emotions. I still dream about her to this day, but they're mostly harmless dreams where she's by my side, doing dog things she used to do. Do with that what you will with that info... Everyone's different.

Good luck, friend. Sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear... but the short life is part of why we love them. Be glad you had him, remember the good times....those stay long past the grief.