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I can't persuade my partner. She just thinks it's disgusting

I can't persuade my partner. We're very open but she just thinks it's disgusting to fuck a dog. Yet she rides horses at weekends. I've asked her to touch and take some pictures but she refuses. When alone swallows my come whenever and is up for anything. Confused.
Have you shown her any videos? Tell her you want to play one while you fuck her doggy style.
I can't persuade my partner. We're very open but she just thinks it's disgusting to fuck a dog. Yet she rides horses at weekends. I've asked her to touch and take some pictures but she refuses. When alone swallows my come whenever and is up for anything. Confused.
Where's the confusion.... Her riding a horse is a...... UMMMM.... VASTLY different thing than a horse riding her. So much so as to safely say the two are unrelated in any way. Millions of people ride every day.... Possibly hundreds do their horses every day....swallowing your ejaculate has Nada to do with anything either....what makes you think her fantasies are yours? Would you take that three foot cock or that
Baseball sized knot up your ass? Or do you just want to watch her do it? I'm not sure how old you are, but if I was guessing based on what you've posted, I'd say about 15.
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Where's the confusion.... Her riding a horse is a...... UMMMM.... VAST difference than a horse riding her. So much so as to safely say the two are unrelated in any way. Millions of people ride every day.... Possibly hundreds do their horses every day....swallowing your ejaculate has Nada to do with anything either....what makes you think her fantasies are yours? Would you take that three foot cock or that
Baseball sized knot up your ass? Or do you just want to watch her do it? I'm not sure how old you are, but if I was guessing based on what you've posted, I'd say about 15.
Oh....here we go with the insults. You just love to antagonize. You should get off your high horse there saddlebutt!!
Have you shown her any videos? Tell her you want to play one while you fuck her doggy style.
Yeah she's seen some that I've had on the laptop accidently(!) playing, while her kids around my flat were hyper and us trying to get them to bed. Always kills the moment and she can't even entertain it and I would never press it.
Oh....here we go with the insults. You just love to antagonize. You should get off your high horse there saddlebutt!!
Out of curiousity, what did I say that was an insult? Are you going to be a schmuck ALL your life? and why are you getting incensed at something that wasn't intended for you, bubba? And yes, since I dont want to tax your brain TOO much....schmuck IS an insult.
If she ain't into it she ain't into it.

End of story.

You can't make someone like something they don't, and from the sound of things she beyond dislikes it. She thinks it's disgusting and not something she'd want to engage in, so best to not push it before you really regret it.

And yes riding horses doesn't equal fucking a dog lol please.
If she ain't into it she ain't into it.

End of story
Ain't THAT the truth!

To the OP: if what you want was THAT EASY to find, this would be mainstream, and you could see it at the drive-in theater on a Saturday night..hmmm....never seen that? Wonder why? You arent getting a lot of approval on your post, aside from a known crackpot, who probably wants to sell you vegan puppy chow. If your girl said "no", she's allowed to. THAT puts the ball in your court. Stay and get used to it or trade her in on another model, and get disappointed AGAIN.
Up to you, dude.
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Yeah I understand but weeks and months pass and it gets so frustrating
Tough shit. It's not your choice to make, and she's under no obligation to do it because you want her to. Get over it, or get over her, one or the other. Keep pushing, and I can do everything but guarantee it'll be "get over her" - more likely sooner than later. She's made it known to you that the idea is repulsive to her. What else does she need to say before you figure out that she's serious, and you need to drop the subject once and for all? Perhaps, "fuck off, you sick freak" would get the message through to you? 'Cause it sounds like that's probably about all she HASN'T said.

Fantasy-land - like where you apparently think you're living: Every woman secretly wants to be fucked by a dog to please their human partner.
Reality - Where you need to wake your ass up and figure out you actually ARE living: Wanting to have sex with an animal is outside the realm of even being IMAGINED, never mind actually DONE, for the vast, overwhelming, damn-near-total majority of people.

Hint: Aside from a vanishingly small part of the human race, YOU are the disgusting freak for wanting this to happen, not her for NOT wanting it. Pleasant thought? Probably not. But reality often doesn't give a flying fuck about "pleasant", so you better get over any hurt feelings about it. Back off it, and leave her the fuck alone! Christ, man, even a horny dog knows to leave the bitch alone until she decides, if ever, that she wants it. Supposedly, humans are smarter than dogs, but in your case, I have some serious doubts.
Honestly, you should be happy that she even accepts that you like watching the porn. Contrary to popular belief here. Most women do not want to have sex with animals. in fact most would likely run for the hills if even brought up by their partner.... the way it sounds you should be thankful she only finds it personally disgusting...and not disgusting enough to to tell everyone she knows, including the police.
If she chooses to test the waters, that’s her decision. If you try to force it, she will stay closed mind to the topic. Just be happy he accepts your desire to watch it without leaving you.
Out of curiousity, what did I say that was an insult? Are you going to be a schmuck ALL your life? and why are you getting incensed at something that wasn't intended for you, bubba? And yes, since I dont want to tax your brain TOO much....schmuck IS an insult.
Your arrogance is so ingrained....you said "I'm not sure how old you are, but if I was guessing based on what you've posted, I'd say about 15".
Demeaning the bloke saying he's 15. You always seem to knock everyone down to make yourself superior.....and yes I do know what schmuck means.....ya putz!!
I can't persuade my partner. We're very open but she just thinks it's disgusting to fuck a dog. Yet she rides horses at weekends. I've asked her to touch and take some pictures but she refuses. When alone swallows my come whenever and is up for anything. Confused.
Don't listen to all the negative monkeys on here.
I dated a woman for a while....after one sex session we watch some porn online.
I wanted to shock her or get some reaction....so I played some beast stuff.
She said it was disgusting!!
Then a moment later ask me if it turned me on....I said it did!
Then true confession time came. She said she secretly had a passion for it! When she was 12 or 13 she would let the dog lick her....and she would masturbate with live frogs, fish and snakes!!
She was a Country girl....grew up in the rural parts.
Anyways....I helped her with a few experiences after her confession.
Wild indeed!!
Your arrogance is so ingrained....you said "I'm not sure how old you are, but if I was guessing based on what you've posted, I'd say about 15".
Demeaning the bloke saying he's 15. You always seem to knock everyone down to make yourself superior.....and yes I do know what schmuck means.....ya putz!!
You're still a schmuck.... I don't knock anyone down to make myself superior, bubba....it just doesn't take much skill to be superior to YOU. When you learn to read for comprehension, go back and take a look.. I said "based on what he'd written". That's called a " hypothetical" and it kind of means imaginary, so it wasn't an insult. Funny, honey... The post picked up likes from eight or nine people... Yours and his have gotten zip ( because you can't get less than zip). Meanwhile, you're back on The IG... Which likely means only newbs will speak to you. Find your stackin' swivel, take it carefully in BOTH hands and.... well... You know the drill.
i can't imagine her not asking you about it down the line.. if you really love someone.. wouldn't you wanna know what you get up to>?, i think if you don't mention it ever, she will come to you to at least ask, thats when maybe,..... if not... move on from the subject matter.
You're still a schmuck.... I don't knock anyone down to make myself superior, bubba....it just doesn't take much skill to be superior to YOU. When you learn to read for comprehension, go back and take a look.. I said "based on what he'd written". That's called a " hypothetical" and it kind of means imaginary, so it wasn't an insult. Funny, honey... The post picked up likes from eight or nine people... Yours and his have gotten zip ( because you can't get less than zip). Meanwhile, you're back on The IG... Which likely means only newbs will speak to you. Find your stackin' swivel, take it carefully in BOTH hands and.... well... You know the drill.
And you're still a putz!! Again....you have to feel superior....only newbies will communicate with me.....HA!!
Oh you're status here is so high! Go share it with your friends and family....maybe they'll give you a trophy and a pat on the bum! HA!!
sometimes i wonder what goes in the heads of ppl making this kind of threads... do you like expect some sort of "step by step guide to condition your woman to fuck a dog"? or some "this is what i did and now she loves knot" or just sympathy? you're not getting any, trying to coerce someone who's supposed to be called your "significant other" into something they clearly stated don't want is as disgusting as it gets...

what the fuck is up with all these "how to train my woman to fuck a dog" threads lately. it's getting all kinds of depressing