How to stop a Dane wanting to mount everyone?


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
I know this sounds the wrong way around for ZV! LOL Last night we visited some people who have a 3 year old big beautiful and very affectionate Dane, the problem is that the owners have no idea how to stop him trying to mount anyone that comes near him. He is not aggressive in any way, but very strong and insistent. While the owners seem to have okay control of most commands they seemed unable to make him understand. I myself just want to strip off and let him go at me LOL just kidding I reckon it would take a few months for me to be ready to take on this horny stud. Any helpful tips that could be passed on appreciated. Thanks LL
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Where exactly are they, I would be willing to give him daily sucks. :ROFLMAO:
I had this problem kind of too. I told my parents that I will jerk my dog off to prevent this behavior. So now I am basicly safe to do that even when I am visitting them.
The known side effect is that you dog will start to demand that. But it works flawkessly for about 12 hours.
I think all dog owners should be able to do this. Whether you do it with your mouth or not is your choice. :p
Just take turns humping each other and jerk him off afterwards. Wait...

Other choice, redirect the behavior to something else, and find another outlet for his pent up energy like more walks and exercise.
Not enough walks and he is a beautiful boy, he deserves better for sure. One horny boy.
That's the thing. Everyone thinks Danes are lazy. Which they are. But they're quite active and if you don't redirect that they tend to bring it out in bad behavior
Something about the way you wrote that post, along with it's content, just excited me to death...every bit of me...
Thank-you for that.
I don't have a dog, and I regret that I don't have the answers you're asking for. I'm sorry for that.
tell them to jerk him off and i mean it seriously. if they feel like it's "icky" to touch his privates they can use rubber gloves. a neighbor long time ago had similar problem with his dogo argentino who'd try to hump pretty much everyone and it was his vet who gave him this "off the books" recommendation. apparently worked like a charm.