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How to hide it?

I am hoping in the near future to get a pet dog as a life companion and lover.
my only concern is, how do I hide this from people in my life? I live with my best friend who cant know of this.
Im worried my boy will accidentally expose us by behaving oddly like unsheathing himself around me, or being extra humpy, i remember i had this problem with my last dog but he was the family pet so nothing could be pinned on me.
Lots of people use the same room, and do it on the same blanket or towel. Also, maybe put the same flannel shirt or sweater on you, usually to protect you from scratches, but it's one more association.

Other than that, don't walk around the house in just panties where he can see your bare buns while being in front of other people. He may not unsheath, but he would likely focus on your every step, or maybe look for a mounting angle. So, just stay quite clothed when you and him are both in common areas in the house.

Hopefully your friend won't do yoga near him while wearing short shorts. Though, if he just went sniffing first, they would probably think it's just dog behavior that isn't uncommon.
It is all about routine. When ever you have sex, always go through one routine first. Get him used to "This means it is time for sex, and nothing else means that"

I have 10 stallions, and they all know that only certain things mean sex so I do not worry about people walking into their stall or pen and getting bred accidentally.
Yep, as mentioned above, it's all about rules you set together. This part of house is where we don't do anything intimate, in the these rooms you can have me anytime. This clothing means we must behave, that clothing means do whatever you desire. They are inteligent and likely will understand this without much problem. When I started with our sex life, I was still living with parents, and he knew perfectly well not to do anything in presence of other people. It's pretty much Classical conditioning, they will connect good time with particular things.
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Pretty much as Misha says really. My boys have their own room and they know they can only go into the main part of the house on "special occasions". I taught them that when I am wearing anything, I am off-limits, but if I am naked I am theirs if they want. We have other rules, I guess that what they are, but those are the main two.

It's just training and teaching. They are intelligent guys so it doesn't take much.
As others already wrote, training and rituals are the key. Use of clothing or a setup can help.
In warmer seasons, marks and scruffs can be an issue. I already wrote something about it here:

Ist ein solches Training in bestimmten Räumen oder dergleichen überhaupt mit Hunden möglich? Meiner Meinung nach humpelt ein Hund, wenn er Lust dazu hat. Hengste, Bullen und Wildschweine, die zur Samenlieferung gehalten werden, werden auf dem Weg zum Sammelraum geil und graben ihren Penis.
You will be able to identify your dog's body language when he is horny, before mounting and humping. When he starts to display that body language in front of other people you should discourage him. A simple "No!" would do.
Routine is your best friend.
get a persific shirt to wear only due love making - also saves on some due claw scratches
pick a spot for sex and keep to this spot only
right from a young age discourage any interaction away from your spot
i find when presenting in their known/favorite area most boys jumps into action
I'm exclusive & I've never really done any kind of specific training or rooms etc simply because I've never needed to. I know when he's horny and vice versa. However, I've had people here for the evening and overnight etc and he's never even shown a slight interest while anyone else is here.
Oddly enough I have never had to train any of my boys to "hide" our activity (and I have had a lot of boys over the years). I have done it with them in multiple rooms and even outside. All of my boys have instinctively known that sex does not happen when other people are around.

I guess I have just been lucky! :husky_happysmile: