How to get a dog to mount?

I have been trying to encourage my dog to mount me, to no avail. Any clue or tips?

He licks me and wants me to touch his cock, but as soon as he gets hard, he backs away.

Any advise would be great
He may just not be interested or willing. My male wont mount me but hand/oral is on the table, as is the very rare occasion of tailhole play.

And it's honestly just cause he doesn't see me that way, so that may also be the case for you.

All you can really do is offer, maybe help him into position, just don't try to force him or hold him there, more like guiding and saying "this is ok if you want it". Worst case, he just won't and you'll end up exploring other ways to have fun together 🙂
My Pyrenees won't mount my gf on his own either. I have to lift him up on her back by his front paws and get him into position, jack him a little while the tip is actually touching her lips and once he feels her, he grips her hips with his front paws and goes to work. But he's never initiated the mount
My Pyrenees won't mount my gf on his own either. I have to lift him up on her back by his front paws and get him into position, jack him a little while the tip is actually touching her lips and once he feels her, he grips her hips with his front paws and goes to work. But he's never initiated the mount

Have you tried getting her to play with him prior? Like on all fours, wrestling, touching, much like a courtship.

Getting him really worked up that way may get him to initiate, and it will be more intense, again if you haven't tried. It'll also amp up his enjoyment of it
Have you tried getting her to play with him prior? Like on all fours, wrestling, touching, much like a courtship.

Getting him really worked up that way may get him to initiate, and it will be more intense, again if you haven't tried. It'll also amp up his enjoyment of it
Yes we've tried to an extent. He's just not a very playful, hyper dog so I don't think he'll ever do it on his own. He doesn't resist by any means, he just won't initiate. Once he gets inside he loves it