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how old are your partner?

my first old mare fell asleep at about age 37
this came by chance, I wasn't really looking for it, I had too much pain.

now I don't ride it anymore (the last time it was about six months ago, for a walk of about 15 minutes), we take walks side by side, people always like crazy :)
several dogs of various ages, breeds and genders - im mid 30s
I no longer have a girl, the only one I did have of my own passed away year before last. She was 5, and cancer got her.

I want another bitch, but need more money since I got laid off last year and had to find a not so great job to make ends meet.
Picked most of them from the street, so I can only gues. I've had the older girl for 10 years (think she is 15), other girl just turned 10, the other I guess is 10 or 11. and the male must be 4/5.
If you were to line up all of them I'm currently active with, depending on which one you point at, the answer might be anywhere from 19 months to 25 years.