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How many human lovers have you had?


1. How many human lovers have you had and what was their gender and race?
2. How many animal lovers behave or you had and what was their gender & type of animal?
3. Which was more satisfying and why?
4. What is your gender and race?
5. If you could only have sex with one type if the above , which would it be and why?
Did you make a list? 😂 I can't imagine anyone could remember so many people and their details.

1. 3 men. Technically they were all white but one of them looked extremely east asian, kinda like a thai, idk what was up with that. No i won't go into detail like OP did i didn't even read all of it

2. Only my Shiba boy

3. That's a difficult question. It's easy to go "my dog, his dick is big and he fucks like a jackhammer" but does he rub the right spots on my body? Does he tell me I'm hot? Nah that's where humans are better. Overall my dog has to be more enjoyable though. He has an amazing tongue and...well his dick is big and he fucks like a jackhammer :D it feels great.

4. I'm a white trans guy.

5. I'd pick dogs. It's more enjoyable and i don't get paranoid about accidentally becoming pregnant.
Because someone got me curious about the topic yesterday i counted it specifically, though it's relevant if by "lovers" we mean personalities i have had sex with. 25 human males, 2 human females, 2 male dogs.

Genuinely can't choose more satisfying type of the lovers, probably because it's highly individual thing. Though because of the number of human males is higher a number of average performers among them is also higher than in any other category.

I am a human female, or should i say white human female?

And any of them, cause each type has it's benefits and downsides
1. Hundreds. Mostly male lovers. I'd guess 60% white, 25% black and 15% other mostly latino.
2. None yet. Here to learn and follow through on it.
3. N/A
4.Trans femme / white
5. ale human because I've not experienced any other species.
1. 48 men (3 white, 45 black) and 10 women (4 white, 4 black, 1 hispanic, 1 asian)
2. 2 male dogs (German Shepherd, Great Dane)
3. My Master is because we have such a wonderful connection.
4. White female
5. My Master, because I love Him and He's taught me so much
1. I had about 20+ Human lovers.
2. I had about 20+ Male Dog Lovers.
3. Definitively Male dogs. Mainly because It connects right into my Petplay Livestyle and because its just much more animalistic (ohhh what a surprise...) witch is basically what i preferred with humans anyway.
4. Caucasian female
5. Im Zoo exclusive to male dogs anyway. For the reasons see Number 3.
Never had a human lover.

I’ve been with one nanny goat, lots of mares, and one dog. The one dog is also my current mate.

My favorite is my current doggy wife. We have built a closer relationship with any other animal I have ever been with.
Just 3 women. I’m a late bloomer. Didn’t have much interest in people sexually because I could never, and I mean never, read signs of attraction. Everyone that I’ve slept with has been a friend first.

Now that I’m older I’ve realized a plethora of missed opportunities, but what can you do?

One is the reasons I found animals so attractive was because they don’t play games. They either want it or they don’t. And they let you know. Humans? There’s a lot of mind games and ifs, ands or buts. I gave everyone the ‘unless you explicitly say you want sex, you aren’t interested’ treatment because I did not like assuming anything.
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1. How many human lovers have you had and what was their gender and race?
- I have 7 lovers, including my housband
- They were all latinos (4 mestizos, 1 black, 1 white, 1 nativeamerican)
2. How many animal lovers behave or you had and what was their gender & type of animal?
- I have 3 family dogs mounted me.
- 1 was a mixed dog named Chamo (the first one)
- 2 rottweillers (grandparent and grandson)
3. Which was more satisfying and why?
- Chamo was more satisfying, he was my first dog, he iniciated me in this life
4. What is your gender and race?
- I am latina (half native, half spanish)
5. If you could only have sex with one type if the above , which would it be and why?
- Hard question, there is many aspects involved, but i think i will go for the dog side :) for a while, not forever
1 woman and 1 molly mule that's have actually gone anywhere. The mule is much nicer. Friendlier. Less manipulative I'm a white male.
1. How many human lovers have you had and what was their gender and race?
2. How many animal lovers behave or you had and what was their gender & type of animal?
3. Which was more satisfying and why?
4. What is your gender and race?
5. If you could only have sex with one type if the above , which would it be and why?
1: 20 Women, all white, Irish.English and Greek. 9 Men, 8 white/English and 1 black Portugese.
2: 1 Dog, Springer Spaniel.
3: All satisfied in different ways.
4: I'm white, English/Irish, bisexual.
5 My ex white English wife, she was just as kinky as me and we did all sorts over the years.
1. How many human lovers have you had and what was their gender and race?
8 women and one guy (kind of)
2. How many animal lovers behave or you had and what was their gender & type of animal?
3 - One Quarter Horse mare, one female and one male bottlenosed dolphin
3. Which was more satisfying and why?
Apples to oranges. Their body-types were equally euphoric. My mare was strictly an oral relationship and she
always welcomed the company of my eager tongue. The female dolphin had a lock on my 'member' that
demanded my orgasm, and the male dolphin was ALWAYS ready to be milked.
4. What is your gender and race?
Male. Mostly Caucasian w/ 1/8 Cherokee
5. If you could only have sex with one type if the above , which would it be and why?
ANY of the above! I generally prefer animals over humans for the null risk of pregnancy (sorry to say), no STD
transmission, and no POLITICS.
3 white females, 2 black females, 3 white guys, 1 black guy
2 female dogs, 1 male dog
Most satisfying is my beautiful wife
I’m a white male
And if I could only do one the rest of my life it’d be my wife
1. None
2. 1 pitbull female
3. She felt more human then humans ever acted.
5. Her always
2 - My right hand and my left hand! :p

Kidding, I've never slept with a human before. I've only slept with 6 female dogs.

If I had to choose between my hands and female dogs, female dogs would win... err... hands down! Lol
I never counted honestly. I could no more remember all my human lovers than I could fly. I have been with 5 different male K9s of various breeds. The excitement I find in a K9 lover has never been matched by a human lover, although I have never been exclusive to either species.
1. One - Asian, male, almost 7 years.

2. Zero

3. Don't know

4. Female - east Asian

5. Don't know

Can't help it, I'm simply not into one night stands or none serious relationships 🤔
1. a few
2. a few
3. 2, why not
4. female, white, russian-cassachian-german
5. rather with 2. , but sex is not everything!
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