How do you let your pet lover down gently


On occasion, not very often, my working day can get hectic, or I could have work I need to get done, or expecting visitors. Question: when your doggy indicates he wants to mount you do you let him down gently, bearing in mind it could be several hours before you let him service you
My dog is just 14 months old and is really new so he hasn't displayed that behavior yet, but when he does I will probably tell him no in a firm manner and push him away. The only thing he does now that I don't like is to come up and push his nose against my crotch. I think if you use food to distract him it might trigger his brain into thinking that kind of behavior will get him a reward and make him do it more often.
Good thought. But you cant have him pushing into your croch when he wants a treat. They are creatures of habit. I just don't want him thinking he has done wrong. Perhaps positive reinforcement might also work. It does kill me to refuse him mounting me but we do have lives to live outside of doggy sex. A delay word like "later" may have an effect
Good thought. But you cant have him pushing into your croch when he wants a treat. They are creatures of habit. I just don't want him thinking he has done wrong. Perhaps positive reinforcement might also work. It does kill me to refuse him mounting me but we do have lives to live outside of doggy sex. A delay word like "later" may have an effect

when you get a dog, your establishing a pack,
Alpha up. this they DO understand. you do not have to be mean, but you must be swift & decisive.
I have raised WolfDogs, the rules are the same with most domestic breeds.
when you get a dog, your establishing a pack,
Alpha up. this they DO understand. you do not have to be mean, but you must be swift & decisive.
I have raised WolfDogs, the rules are the same with most domestic breeds.
Thank you for this .most enlightening. Swift and decisive. I do use this for immediate situations. It's a case of balancing no with later when needing them to be patient. Thanks again
I stomp my foot, shout "NO!", and wave my fist at him. He'll run 3 or 4 yards then stop and look insulted. Of course he's not exactly a pet. He's a half ton stallion and I have seen a mare tell him "no" with a blow that would demolish a small building.
I softly push them back when they get to pressing themselves against me a bit too much and I say, "not now." They drop their ears and look absolutely miserable as they walk away. It took a few years, but I stopped giving them pity sex when they did their walk of shame.