how can man knot female dog's pussy


hi,man, can anyone design tool,put on your penis,so you can knot female dog's pussy like male dog,share your ideas
When she is in heat, stay celibate until you dream of this happening.

Otherwise the best you will get is her clamping down/pulsing while you are inside and change to short slow thrusts.

have fun, but u need to turn around like a male doggy too
this sheath is not good, i can't fell the juicy wam pussy sucking my dick, i want some tool that can locked by female dog's pussy
Apart from a sheath you won't be finding anything. The most I could say is to cut a knot sheath until only the knot is left then wear that, but you'd need some real clean cuts for the dog's safety.
If sheaths are out of the question then you're limited by your biology and can only dream about it.
Apart from a sheath you won't be finding anything. The most I could say is to cut a knot sheath until only the knot is left then wear that, but you'd need some real clean cuts for the dog's safety.
If sheaths are out of the question then you're limited by your biology and can only dream about it.
This idea is more perfect, but another question, for dog's safety, we need a knot that can control it's size, before insert into pussy,it is small,after insert into pussy,it beacome bigger but not too big.
There is one

Ever so slight

Just a hair

Of an issue with using a sleeve

The knot inflates INSIDE the vagina, it's meant to lock in place. The knot doesn't get pushed in after inflation. If you can slide the sleeve in, you will not lock, and will be able to slide off.

What you want, can really only be achieved thru body modification. The same inflatable implant used for men with erectile dysfunction, could be redesigned, tho it would be limited by your skin stretch. Also you'll lose a nut, cause that's where the pump goes.
the idea is fun to ponder but not ever going to be easy to accomplish. I CAN think of ways to experiment, but the big issue is going to be how to make the thing air-tight.