Horse Sensing Arousal?

I am going to be with a stallion soon (within a month or so) and I am wonder if I am erect if they can sense it and will either get an erection from it and try to mount me or what. Does anyone have any information? (I don't know they will be fixed or not). Also I'm wondering if getting as horse hard is the same as a dog where you grab their sheath. Any information/Advice is appreciated. Thank you

I will be recording the whole day to make a movie at least an hour long of full porn and not like other creators where they have solo parts for 10 minuets. It will be non stop horse.
No, he won't get hard from seeing you hard. Most (but not all) stallions require either a tease mare or her scent to get aroused. I've had some stallions who would drop for me alone, but even then they would only get semi-erect and maybe give little thrusts. If you're expecting to get mounted, first off don't be stupid, but regardless you will very likely need to be accompanied by a mare who's showing her heat.

As for the not being stupid thing, I really mean it. I have quite a lot of experience with both mares and stallions and have been working with horses for most of my life, and I have never even tried being mounted. If you're alone and inexperienced, it is very possible that you will get injured and not even just from his dick. Horny stallions are a force to be reckoned with.

Nobody wants to be in the ER with a perforated colon explaining to the doctor why there's so much horse cum in their ass