Hello, hi, nice to make your digital acquaintance.


For as long as I've been aware of this thing we are all apparently into, I have always wondered if it was something I'd get a chance to share with a partner. However, it's always been such a taboo topic that I have assumed by now that I never will. Not just with age (mid 30s) does it get harder to meet decent people worth your time, but then there is this entire side of you, you can never safely open up to a potential partner about.

The topic of sex inevitably comes up, you mention kinks and such to cast out a wide enough net, and if you're not completly dissapointed you're instantly shot down when they mention the thing you hoped for in the negative. SPECIFICALLY THAT and then you have to pretend like you're appalled they even thought to mention it.

About 5 years ago a friend mentioned he had a friend who showed him a video and he was disgusted with him and never spoke to him again. Not that this particular interest is something I'd casually talk to anyone about, but it is obvious we even risk losing friends over the prospect of this being a part of who we are. That is just one of the few examples I have personally experienced which scares me away from ever being "outed".

Going on 10 years ago I was in a relationship of 7 years and it never once came up. I am actually suprised and a little dissapointed in myself at how well I can keep something like this to myself. A walking contradiction. An open book of a person, straight, monogamous, but wanting to share my girlfriend. Mostly because of my obsession with cum, but also the dirtiness of it is so damn appealing. Seeing a women own their sexuality the way we do is so sexy I can't quite put it into words.

I had a quick fling with someone who showed me the Mr. Hands video. While that isn't my thing, I thought to myself this may be the one. While I didn't reveal anything about my interest at that time we quickly split before it ever came up again. Fast forward a few years later, we started talking again and I made a joke referencing her as a "red rocket tease" and her reaction was legitimately upsetting. I skirted her indignant response and left it alone. But again, another, more extreme example. If it was going to be anyone, it was going to be her and then in a moment she wantes to act like she wasn't the one showing me horse videos years prior.

At any rate, hi, hello, I am "Kratorian". I made my way to this forum when a certain website went down for one reason or another. Can't say I am big on social media of any kind, but I have found myself visiting this site lately and thought I would say hello. Meet some like minded people who, well, "get it". Cheers :^)