Hello from Cheshire, UK!!!

Brand new zoophile here! Discovered this community existed completely by accident and now I'm hooked! I'm eager to talk here, so feel free to message me for literally any reason! I'm a furry and a gamer on the side, being a raging kinklord is my full-time job now. I love all kinds of animals, canines, reptiles, horses, you name it! I also dont discriminate by gender, I don't care what genitals it has, I'm fine with it! Thanks for having me!
Brand new zoophile here! Discovered this community existed completely by accident and now I'm hooked! I'm eager to talk here, so feel free to message me for literally any reason! I'm a furry and a gamer on the side, being a raging kinklord is my full-time job now. I love all kinds of animals, canines, reptiles, horses, you name it! I also dont discriminate by gender, I don't care what genitals it has, I'm fine with it! Thanks for having me!
new to zoophile getting extremely curious about trying dog sex anyone help i'm in yorkshire uk thanks