Hello all

Which is it? 42 or 43?

Minor difference and very likely a typo, but let me give you your first advice for operating successfully on this site......say what you mean, mean what you say. And be clear about why there appear to be differences in things you say from time to time. Mistakes happen, but there are also a lot of very shady people cruising this site too, and people are extremely wary.

No one here knows you, all we have are the words you write on this site. I don't know what your intentions are here, maybe you're here to chat, maybe to watch porn, maybe to meet others. One thing I can promise you is that people on this site WILL be looking at your post history, especially if you are intending to meet other people from here.

If that's the case, the LAST thing you want is ANY appearance of being deceptive or untruthful. No one expects you to be full on honest, but I can promise you if you appear to be unable to stick to one story, your chances of ever meeting someone from here are less than zero.

There are people here who live and work in completely different states, or multiple states and these people are able to meet other people because at some point, they clarified WHY there appears to be this descrepency in which actual state they are in.

Minor mistakes happen all the time. And most people know this and act accordingly. If you are dishonest, that will shine through as well, and most here will pick up on that sooner or later.

Your experience with the people here starts with how you present yourself to them. Remember that and you will have a better experience.