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Have you ever...

Hmm, as a child, over 30 years ago, yes.

Have you ever prepared a meal and as you added some spices you accidentally unloaded a whole tray / box of them into the food?
Yes, still ate it, not that bad, tbf

Hye wanted to smash a face of a person who took your place at your blast job/some kind community, like a moderator title or something?
Nope, but very much afraid of it

Hye been inside of a tank? (A war machine)
Yep. Set a cow lot on fire with a cigarette. Let me tell you once cow shit is on fire you can't put it out it has to burn out. Days of back breaking work with a shovel to move the shit so it could burn out a week later.

HYE: Fallen out of a hayloft.