Have you ever...

I did, at some point, but then I realized life is never long enough to let one's self be influenced by negative thoughts.

HYE locked yourself out of your house?
No, I can tell the difference between a dream and reality. HYE had random thoughts that made no sense?

HYE vitnessed someone do something so stupid it could have easily costed them their life?
Yes, people driving drunk or guys jumping off a high cliff and almost missing the spot where the water is deep enough and actually some more...

HYE stopped masturbating for more than a week within the last five years?
Yap had knee surgery and replaced one hurt so bad I didn't care ...

hye made breakfast for someone and cum in for them to eat
Yes .. they had knowledge of it I never said with out ... But anyways...

hye woke your other half up with sex by bringing in someone to help