Have you ever...

Not to accommodate a large lover, but i did to check it out if i was into doing stuff there. And i realized i wasn't into it, lol.

Have you ever got interrupted several times while wanting to do something you shouldn't be doing in a certain place in a certain situation ?
Nothing like specifics. LOL
Yes I think so. ?

Have you ever orgasmed while playing and someone knocking at your door?
I don't even have a door lol. But they called me haha.

Ever read some bestiality comic/manga ? I can suggest you the one on my profile picture lol
I have written roleplaying, lots of them, both including zoo, non-zoo and furry as well.

Ever got distracted from doing something while reading ?
No, but have peed inside her. lol. Does that count..?

Have you ever gotten stopped for speeding, going double the posted speed ?
I got stopped for almost triple over. going 90 in a 35.
?? No on the neighbor, but have fucked several of my neighbors' dogs. lol..

Have you ever cheating on your lover ?
LOL.. Been close, I can tell you that much, nothing was ever said if they did see me...

Have you ever been too drunk that you didn't know what happened, didn't believe what other said ?