Have you ever...

I'm sure I've adjusted myself way too many times but never actually masturbated.

HYE eaten anything really gross?
Yeah, I wrapped a jacket around my waist...lol

Previous ?: I'm traumatized from getting caught masturbating by my mom; she would literally beat me with a switch for it!

HYE gotten an enema or a douche from going down a water slide? lol
No, I don't even go to water slides often lol
HYE felt very, very, very ashamed of something you did years ago and can no longer do anything to change it?
Haha man if anyone ever answers no to this question I would say they are a lair. Yes I have definitely done some thing like that. I let the teenage horny hormones ruin a great friendship and haven’t talked to that person in 2 decades now.

HYE been in a car accident?
Yes I have once. It led to a very long uncomfortable discussion and then a very exciting roleplay with an ex!

HYE been asked to do something in the bedroom that you were not into but did anyway cause your partner enjoyed?
Kinda. One of my exes liked to be eaten out but I didn't have the heart to tell her that her pussy stank. Other than that, I myself am a freak... so no.

HYE been so drunk you talked shit about someones mom only to realize you were talking to their daughter? :cautious:
Yes, often, saves water and I don't splash, easy to keep everything clean. HYE been offered a house for free, but but you declined?.
Kind of... had heart palpatations that caused me to get light headed. Makes me sound old.

HYE Cummed on one of your lovers (person or animal) and you nor them remembered to clean it up, and walked around like that for hours? :rolleyes: