Has anyone had any experience with a Zoo Brothel?

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I read in a news article recently that many of them are 'popping up' in/around Germany..
I never thought about this being really possible, I would think this is regulated? (Although I read somewhere else Germany is lax in their laws, and actually allowed zoo intercourse..?)

Any ways, thought I could ask! 😘 (And ofcourse no offence meant if I am causing any..!)
Not interested in them existing, but I'd like to see evidence of them being a thing *anywhere*.

Moving to Dumpster Fire in 3... 2...
I hate it when shit gets move to the DF. If it doesnt' belong, delete. If people are turning it into a shitshow, delete the comments and issue warnings as appropriate, but moving things to the DF just turns the whole place into the DF. People want to play there, that's fine, they can create all the garbage there they want, but moving stuff there just stifles discussion by allowing everythign to get dragged into the shitshow.
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There are no references in the article so in my opinion it is made up or based on incorrect information.

Actually the entire article is this:
An animal protection officer in the German state of Hesse has expressed frustration with a German law that makes spreading bestiality porn illegal — but the act itself legal.

Madeleine Martin told the Frankfurter Rundschau that current laws were not protecting animals from zoophilia, and the problem was getting worse.

"There are now animal brothels in Germany," Martin told the paper, and people were playing down the importance of the act by describing it as a "lifestyle".

Luckily Germany's animal protection laws, dating from 1969, are due to be reformed soon. Let's hope the German government sees sense and outlaws animal brothels, finally.

(h/t The Local)
Not much. :D

The Daily Mail’s claim that “animal brothels” were operating in Germany in 2013 may also be an exaggeration. The evidence that these so-called brothels exist appears to be a single quote from a state animal protection officer named Madeleine Martin. However, she did not describe having discovered businesses where people pay to have sex with animals — rather, she described a group of men sneaking onto a farm to abuse sheep and another man who distributed online pictures and instructions for sex with animals.
In other words, a large portion of the Conservative Tribune’s article was based on a years-old article that contained outdated and misleading information.

So, it is made up. :D
Also 2012 zoo activities were still likely not ilegal (not ilegal != legal)

And still, making a business out of it surely would have broken a few laws and regulation from sanitary safety to tax evasion.
There are reports and rumors of bestiality shows in Serbia where last time I checked its still legal. I will not provide links
I hate the idea of zoo brothels, using animals like little more than toys. People like that is why zoos have the reputation they do
There are reports and rumors of bestiality shows in Serbia where last time I checked its still legal. I will not provide links
There's reports and rumors there's Dog's in heat in my back yard. No I will not provide meet ups.... but seriously. Does everyone believe every article off every website they come across? There's been talks of brothels since forever.

There's also been numerous threads relating to this. A brothel if there ever was one does not sound like a fun place to be. You think everyone going there is gonna have their head on straight? I think not.

This is also why many consider zoos as abusers because of some sick picture of what someone did to a German shepherd.
Sorry if I ruin everyone's fun of hoping to go to one.
Not this again, didn't I throw a very similar thread into the dumpster fire not long ago?
It just bounces back 🤣

Um. Supposedly, in Japan there are sex doll brothels.

We have someone here about to sell doglike sex dolls.

Maybe we should we buy a few and start a business? 🤔🙄
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