
wow, how’d you get into that? It’s not something that just easily falls into conversation, unless on somewhere like here.
Although I’ve dropped it a couple of times in jest to gauge a reaction
Bossman judging my the esteemed citizen you are experienced here.
What am I allowed share regarding personal info and contact info?
I see you have turned off, Good idea :)

But does mean I cannot message you with some helpfull info, but if you message me I will send you some things
Maybe the forum has not caught up yet, you need 10 comment that are not in the fun and games section to be able to private message otherwise in you privacy settings of your account you have set only people you follow or nobody to be able to message you
Now showing we can message you, not sure if you changed or the forum caught up

But be prepared for a slew of DM's now the gates are open :ROFLMAO: